Quantitative Research


Conducting a quantitative study on Decode can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping you make data-driven decisions. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to create quantitative studies in Decode.


Step 1: Once you log into your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click the “+” button on the left navigation panel.

Step 3: You will be directed to a page where you can choose the type of research you want to perform. By default, the quantitative research page will be displayed.

Step 4: From the navigation panel on the left side, you can expand the template types by clicking on them. Once you have explored the templates, select the type of quantitative research you want to conduct.

Step 5: If you decide to create a survey from scratch, click the "Create from Scratch" button.

Step 6: After clicking it, you will be redirected to the survey's home page, which you can customize and use as the introduction page for your survey.

Note: By default, the survey language is set to “US English.” You can customize this setting based on your requirements.

Step 7: For every study, a welcome page and a thank-you page will be available by default, both of which can be customized.

Step 8: Click the “+ Add New Block” button from the homepage or the navigation panel to add a new block.

In the block section, you can add the following:

General:  In this section, you'll find different question types you can add to your survey.

Media Insight: Here, you can upload media from your local system or add a YouTube or Vimeo video.

Once you select a block type, a form will open where you can customize the block, add logic for question appearance, and modify the question properties

Step 9: Before publishing the survey, preview it by clicking the "Preview" button in the top-right corner of the page.

Step 10: Click the "Publish" button to make the survey live.


In Decode, a variety of question blocks are available to add to your studies, making them more engaging and appealing to respondents. You can gather responses and later view results in the form of charts for analysis. This article provides an overview of the different question types available in Decode.

The question blocks are divided into the following categories:

  • Greetings
  • General
  • Media Insights
  • In-Context
  • In-Context-Website


The greetings section is included by default in all quantitative surveys and comprises the following blocks:

  • Welcome Screen: This page appears when the respondent clicks on the survey link. It serves as the introduction to the survey. You can customize the welcome block by adding background images, themes, and adjusting element alignments. Specific properties such as theme, alignment, and description text can be customized. This screen cannot be deleted, as it is essential to the survey.
  • Thank you screen: Displayed when a user completes the survey, this block allows you to thank the user for their time and provide relevant information or next steps. You can customize the layout and description. Like the welcome screen, this page cannot be deleted from the study.
  • Error Screen: This page appears on the respondent's screen if any issues or failures occur while taking the survey. An error may arise if the respondent toggles between browser tabs during the survey.


In the general section, you can find the different question types to add to your study:

1. Checkbox Question: Respondents can select multiple answers from a list of options.


  • Response required: Respondents must answer before moving to the next question.
  • Screening Question: Filters participants based on specific criteria.
  • Randomize: The answer options appear in random order.
  • Others: Allows respondents to add a custom option if their answer isn’t listed.
  • Progress Bar: A visual indicator showing the survey's completion status.

2. Dropdown Question: Respondents select one option from a dropdown list.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on set criteria.
  • Randomize: Displays answer options in random order.
  • Others: Custom option available for respondents.
  • All of the Above: Selects all options.
  • None of the Above: Selects no options.
  • Multiple Selection: Allows choosing more than one option.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

3. Thumb Up/Down: Respondents indicate their preference (like or dislike) using thumbs-up or thumbs-down.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks the completion status.

4. Linear Scale: Respondents provide a numeric rating on a scale.


  • Start from 1: Scale starts at 1 (default start is 0).
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Screening Question: Filters participants based on criteria.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks the survey's completion status.

5. Multiple Choice Question: Respondents select one option from a list.


  • All of the Above: Selects all listed options.
  • None of the Above: Selects no listed options.
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Randomize: Displays options randomly.
  • Others: Custom option available.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on criteria.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks survey progress.

6. Paragraph Question: Respondents write a detailed answer in the provided comment box, with a 200-character limit.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

7. Short Answer Question: Respondents write a short response (100-character limit).


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

8. Smiley Rating: Respondents rate items using a 5-point scale with smiley faces representing sentiments.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Reverse Emoji: Displays emojis in reverse order (happy to sad).
  • Enable Emoji Labels: Adds labels beneath the emojis.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

9. Star Rating Question: Respondents rate items by selecting up to 5 stars.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on criteria.

10. Net Promoter Score: Respondents provide a numeric rating based on their likelihood to recommend.


  • Response Required: Makes answering mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays progress throughout the survey.

11. Date: Respondents select or input a date in response to the question.


  • Response Setting: Choose whether to capture date only or date and time.
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Show Calendar: Option to display a calendar for date selection.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.

Media Insight

In this section, you can upload your media from your local system and add a YouTube video or a Vimeo video.

  • Upload Media: Users can upload media from their local systems. The media format to be selected is mp4, MOV, jpeg, png, and jpg.
    • While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to see the media upload status.
    • Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to see the preview of the media
  • Youtube: You can add the publically accessible URL from youtube. To add the URL, copy it from youtube and paste the URL section and click on the upload button.
    • Once the link is updated, you will be able to see the preview of the media.
    • An error message will be shown if the URL is private.
  • Vimeo: users can add the publically accessible URL from the Vimeo platform. To add the URL, copy it from vimeo and paste the URL section and click on the upload button.
  • Image Upload: With this feature, you can upload an image file to your survey and ask respondents to provide their feedback on the image while capturing their emotions and eye gaze.

Properties of Media Insights:

Category: you can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with the other media in the same category.

  • To select the category, click on the field name and select it from the dropdown.

Subcategory: This is the subordinate of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.

Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track the respondents' behaviour. You can select the following technology:

  • Facial coding: This can be used to analyse the facial emotions of the respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled all the time.
  • Eye tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and eye gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In this section, you will find different question types you can add to your study, referencing Instagram and TikTok.

  • Instagaze: Upload images and preview them Instagram-style. Gain insights into content adaptation and enhance success on Instagram.
  • Instagaze Reels: This feature allows users to upload videos into an environment that authentically replicates Instagram Reels. This hands-on experience provides valuable insights into how the content would appear and resonate within the dynamic realm of Instagram Reels.
  • Tip-Tap: Users can now upload videos and experience them in a simulated TikTok environment. This feature enables content creators and researchers to gain an immersive preview of how their content would appear and engage within TikTok's dynamic interface.

Properties of In-Context:

Duration: You can specify the duration for this block, ranging from 60 to 300 seconds.

Category: Specify the group where your media belongs. This helps compare the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.

Subcategory: This is a subordinate category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.

Tracking Technology: Choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select from the following technologies:

  • Facial coding: Analyze respondents' facial emotions while watching the media. The camera must be enabled at all times for this feature.
  • Eye tracking: Capture respondents' eye movement and gaze while watching the media.

Randomize: Options will appear in random order.

Can Be Skipped: This feature allows respondents to skip the specific block without answering.


In this section, you will find the different question types you can add to your study with reference to News (currently available), with Wellness, Automobile, and Travel categories coming soon.

  • News: Discover how users interact with news platforms through in-context testing. This strategic journey unveils how users connect with content, explore features, and navigate seamlessly.

Properties of In-Context Website:

  • Preferred Device: Customize the study based on the respondents' preferred device.
  • Duration: Specify the duration for this block, ranging from 60 to 300 seconds.
  • Can Be Skipped: Allows respondents to skip the specific block without answering.
  • Category: Specify the group where your media belongs. This helps compare the overall score of your media with others in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: Choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select from the following technologies:some text
    • Facial coding: Analyze respondents' facial emotions while viewing the media. The camera must be enabled at all times for this feature.
    • Eye tracking: Capture respondents' eye movements and gaze while viewing the media.
    • Mouse tracking: Capture respondents' mouse scroll behavior while viewing the media.


You can select question blocks in your survey to make it more assessable and later view the analytics. In Decode, we support multiple types of questions. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding question blocks to your surveys.


  1. Once you log in to your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation pane, click the “+” button present on the navigation tab on the home screen.
  3. You will be directed to the page where you can choose the type of research you want to perform. By default, the quantitative research page will be shown.
  4. From the navigation panel on the left side, expand to view the types of study templates available. Select the "Survey" option under Quantitative Study Templates.
    Note: For now, we support only the "Start from Scratch" option, so please select that option only.
  5. Click the "Create from Scratch" button.
  6. Once you click on it, you will land on the study's Welcome screen, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.
  7. For every study, you will find a Welcome page and Thank You page added by default. You can change the theme, text, and alignment of these pages as desired.
  8. To add a new block, click the “+” button in the left navigation pane.
    In the block section, you can add the following types of survey blocks:
  9. The study will be saved in the library section in the "Draft" stage. You can preview the study for all the question blocks added. Once done, you can publish the study so respondents can take the test.

To learn more about blocks, refer to the articles for the respective blocks.


You can change the order of the questions in a quantitative study. Only the Welcome page and Thank You page have fixed positions due to their usability in the study. This article will guide you through the steps for changing the order of the question blocks in a quantitative study.


  1. Open the study for which you want to reorder the question blocks. To access the study, you can navigate to the library of Decode or edit the blocks while creating the study.
  2. Once you open the study, you will land on its create page. Here, you will find all the question blocks added to the study on the left navigation panel.
  3. To arrange the question blocks in order, drag and drop the blocks in the navigation panel.

Screening is a foundational step in the research process and is crucial for ensuring the integrity and success of a study. By meticulously selecting participants who meet predefined criteria, researchers can enhance the quality of their data, reduce biases, and ensure they reach the right target audience.

Benefits of Effective Screening

  • Improved Data Quality: By selecting participants who closely match the study criteria, researchers can obtain more accurate and reliable data.
  • Reduced Bias: Proper screening minimizes the risk of bias, ensuring that the study sample is representative of the target population.
  • Resource Efficiency: Effective screening helps in focusing resources on suitable participants, reducing wastage, and improving the overall efficiency of the research process.

How to add a screening question?

  1. Log in to the platform to be redirected to the dashboard.
  2. Click the "Create Study" icon located on the left side of the navigation bar.
  3. Select "Quantitative Study" and click the "Start from Scratch" button to create a new study.
  4. Click the “+” icon to add your preferred survey block to the study.
  5. In the properties panel, toggle the screening question option and configure it according to your preferences.
Screening Question Supported Survey Blocks:
  1. Checkbox Questionsome text
    • Exact Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: The test passes only if all valid options are selected and none of the invalid options are selected.
      • Failing Criteria: The test fails if any invalid option is selected, if any valid and invalid options are selected together, or if only one valid option is selected.
    • At Least Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: The test passes if all valid options are selected, regardless of whether any invalid options are selected.
      • Failing Criteria: The test fails if at least one valid option is not selected or if only invalid options are selected.
  2. Dropdown Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria (Single Select):some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if any one of the valid options is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected.
    • Selection Criteria (Multi-Select):some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if all valid options are selected or if one valid option is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected or if a combination of valid and invalid options is selected.
  3. Likert Scale Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if the selected range lies within the configured qualifying range.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if the selected range does not lie within the configured qualifying range.
  4. Star Rating Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if the selected number of stars is equal to or above the configured qualifying range.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if the selected number of stars is below the configured qualifying range.
  5. Multiple Choice Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if any one of the valid options is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected.

Note: The 'exact' and 'at least' validation options for screening questions are currently supported only for checkbox questions. Screening can be added at any point, and the flow can be customized according to your needs.


In a survey, screening questions are used to identify which respondents meet specific criteria or qualifications. They help ensure that the sample of respondents accurately represents the population being studied or exclude respondents who are irrelevant to the research.

Screening questions can assess various criteria, such as age, gender, education level, income, employment status, and other demographic characteristics. They are usually administered at the beginning of the survey to ensure the sample is appropriate for the research.

If participants meet the criteria and select the correct options, the survey will start. Otherwise, the thank you screen will appear, and the survey will close.


  1. In the survey, open the question you want to make a screening question.
  2. Under the property section in the right menu bar, enable the "Screening Question" option by clicking the toggle button.
    Note: Once you make a question a screening question, the response required option will be automatically selected.
  3. In the question section, select the correct options for the screening by checking the checkboxes against the options.In the star rating and linear scale question block types, you can define a qualifying range in the screening section. Respondents who select options within the qualifying range will be screened.


Branching and logic in survey questions allow you to present different sets of questions to respondents based on their answers to previous questions. This helps tailor the survey to the individual respondent and ensures they are only asked relevant questions.

You can also define the question block appearance logic so that the survey changes according to responses to specific questions. In a branched survey, questions appear only if they satisfy a specific condition.

To add branching and logic, a minimum of two questions are required in a survey. You can add different branching for all the options available in the question block, and the redirection will happen according to the branching selected.


  1. Open the question block for which you wish to add branching logic.
  2. From the right menu bar, click on the "Logic" option and then click the "Add Logic" button. A page will appear on the screen to define the branching logic.
  3. Add a branching condition by selecting the appropriate directing questions from the dropdown for all the options available in the question block.
    Different types of conditions you can add to the question:some text
    • If-Then Logic: "If-then" branching allows you to specify a condition. The redirection of the survey will occur only if it satisfies the given condition.
    • IS: In this condition, respondents will be redirected to the branched question if they select the option under this condition.
    • IS NOT: In this condition, respondents will be redirected to the branched question if they do NOT select the option under this condition.
    • OR: You can add multiple conditions by clicking the "+Add condition" button. By selecting the "OR" condition, you can allow multiple conditions and execute a block of code if any of those conditions are true.
  4. The "Add Rule" button allows you to add multiple branching conditions for the same question.


If the study is in the draft stage, you can edit, delete, or update it before publishing. This article will guide you through the steps of deleting a question block in a study.


  1. Open the study from which you want to delete the question block(s). To access the study, navigate to the Decode library or delete the block while creating the study.
  2. Once you open the study, you will land on its create page. Here, you will find all the question blocks added to the study on the left navigation panel.
  3. To delete a block, click on it and then click on the three dots located on the right-hand side of the block.
  4. After clicking the three dots, the delete option will appear. A confirmation message will then pop up to verify the deletion.
    Note: The Welcome page and Thank You page cannot be deleted from any quantitative study, as they are mandatory in the studies.


Integrations and redirects are used when a respondent needs to navigate to a different platform from the Decode survey. The URL for the third-party platform is added while creating a study to navigate the respondent.

What is a Redirect URL?

Third-party redirects in surveys refer to the practice of redirecting survey respondents to an external website or platform. This is typically done by inserting a redirect link into the survey flow, which sends the respondent to an external platform or website.


  1. Open the study to which you want to add redirects to/from third-party platforms.
    You can define the integrations while creating the study or later if the study is in the draft stage.
  2. In the study, go to the Connect tab. On this page, you will find fields for adding the URL of the platforms to/from which you want the redirect to happen for different events while taking the survey in the study.some text
    • Complete URL: This is the URL where respondents will be redirected after successfully completing a test in Decode. If users require sending respondents in Decode to another system post-successful completion of eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests, this is the URL that should be configured.
    • Screen Out URL: This is the URL where respondents will be redirected if they do not clear the screening questionnaire configured in Decode. This URL can also be used to redirect respondents who do not enable their camera and audio device permissions.
    • Error URL: This is the URL to which respondents are redirected if their test gets aborted in Decode. Tests can be aborted for reasons such as:some text
      • The respondent reloads a page or navigates away from a test screen.
      • The respondent's camera or audio fails.
      • The respondent faces network issues.
    • Quality Check URL: This URL can be configured for redirecting duplicate participants who try to open a test for the second time.

How to add static variables?

In addition to redirecting respondents to another platform, Decode users can also configure static variables that can be sent back to the URLs of respondents who complete eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests.

What is a Static Variable?

Static variables are URL variables used to share required information in the URL. The primary reason for using URL variables is to pass on information like status. Variables are used when users want the respondent to be redirected to a specific page of a website or a survey form after completing the test in Decode.


Decode users have the flexibility to link their survey platforms with Decode, allowing respondents to answer survey questions on those platforms while taking corresponding eye tracking and/or facial coding tests on Decode.

For example, users can set up a flow where respondents answer pre-survey or screening questions in a system like FocusVision, get redirected to Decode to take the eye-tracking and/or facial coding test, and then be redirected back to FocusVision to answer post-survey questions.

Understanding common integration scenarios

  1. Redirecting from Your Survey Platform to Decode: Users can append unique URL variables to the redirection link in their survey systems. These variables will then be passed on to and stored within Decode when a respondent completes the pre-survey/screening questionnaire.
    For example, the following URL: https://client.affectlab.io/applicant/token/1f55c75566674cbf9e045530e91524a?list=101&psid=${VARpsid.val}&basic=${VARbasic.val}some text
    • Contains variables like 'psid' and 'basic', which are passed to Decode as unique values for each respondent. These variables are automatically stored in Decode's database and can be mapped against unique Decode IDs created for each respondent.
  2. Redirecting from Decode to Your Survey Platform: Users can configure redirects in the Decode study settings to redirect respondents who complete eye tracking and/or facial coding tests to the survey platform. They can also add any static variables that need to be passed from Decode to the survey platform.
  3. Redirecting from Your Survey Platform to Decode and Back: This is a common integration scenario and can be accomplished through the steps mentioned in the first two scenarios:some text
    • Users copy the study URL and paste it into the redirection settings of the survey platform. They append any variables that need to be passed to the Decode study URL.
    • Users configure the redirects in Decode to send respondents back to the survey system after completing eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests.

Steps to link Decode with your survey platform

  1. Set up a study in Decode by uploading your stimuli or adding some survey questions.
  2. Navigate to the Connect tab to add the redirect platform link.
  3. Once all these steps have been completed, launch the study to make the study URL live.
  4. Copy the URL for the study.
    Note: The "Copy Survey Link" is a utility URL right now; it won't work while setting up redirection. The actual URL is needed for setup, which can be extracted from the backend for redirection purposes.
  5. Feed the URL into the redirection settings of the survey. For example, users can take the study URL from Decode and insert it into the XML script of the survey to configure the redirection to Decode.
  6. Once done, test the flow to confirm it's working as intended before launching the study.


Once the study is created, it is available in the library. You can launch the study while creating it or later on. This guide will walk you through the process of launching a quantitative study in Decode.


  1. Log in to your Decode account, and you will be directed to the dashboard.
  2. Select the "Library" option from the left navigation panel.
  3. On the library page, all the studies available on the Decode platform will be listed. Click on the study card to open it.
    For unpublished studies, you will see a "Draft" status on their card.
  4. Once you open a quantitative study, you will land on the welcome page. Click on the "Publish" button located at the top right corner of the page to publish your study.
    Note: The "Publish" button will only be clickable if the survey is error-free. If there are any errors in the question blocks, they will be highlighted in red. You must correct these errors before the study can be published.


Once you have published a study, you can share it with respondents via a URL or direct social media links to gather responses. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for sharing a quantitative study.


  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will arrive at the dashboard. Click on the "Library" icon from the left navigation panel.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will reach the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the conducted studies.
  3. Click on the study tile to open a specific study.
  4. Go to the "Share" tab within the study. You will find the publicly accessible URL of the study, which you can share with respondents.
    Note: Respondents will not be able to take the test until your study is published. To publish the study, click on the "Publish" button located at the top right corner of the page. Once published, share the URL to gather responses.


For all the media question blocks available in a quantitative study, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study. This guide will provide an overview of the media dashboard and the different metrics available.

Overall Media Dashboard

In the Overall Media Dashboard, you will find insights on media performance, including Decode score, Dominant Emotion, Emotions Felt, and metrics such as Attention and Engagement.

The dashboard displays the media's overall performance compared to other media in the same category. The overall score of your media is compared with category-wise benchmark scores available on our platform.

Attention and Engagement

  • Attention: Calculated based on head pose and eye gaze.
  • Engagement: Measures the total emotional reactions evoked by the user at a particular moment.

Emotion Responses

The overall percentage of users who felt positive or negative while viewing the media. The score is calculated by averaging the emotions of each user over the media length.

  • Positive Emotions Calculation: Sum of happiness and surprise.
  • Negative Emotions Calculation: Sum of anger, disgust, and contempt. (Fear and sadness are not included in negative emotions, as these emotions need to be considered within the context of the media and can be shown as standalone emotions.)

Second-by-Second Media Performance

This dashboard provides a second-by-second analysis of emotions, attention, and engagement using line graphs, as well as the heatmap and transparency map captured via eye-tracking technology.

  • Heatmap: A visual representation of areas viewed most by respondents. It uses a VIBGYOR gradient to indicate color intensity, with brighter colors highlighting areas viewed more frequently.
  • Transparency Map: Shows gaze points as transparency on the media. Unlike heatmaps, transparency maps make the media transparent where gaze points aggregate.

Engagement and Attention Chart

Displays second-by-second attention, engagement, and emotion scores in a line graph. The x-axis represents the media length in seconds, and the y-axis represents the score on a scale from 0 to 100.

  • Color Conventions: The purple line represents attention scores, while the orange line represents engagement scores.

Emotion Analysis

Provides information on the respondent's emotions throughout the media. Displays emotions at specific seconds during media playback.

  • Color Convention Chart: Located at the top of the graph.

Areas of Interest (AOIs)

Offers deeper insights into user interactions through precise AOI tracking. Draw a box on the video or image to highlight the area of interest and save it. This helps uncover valuable insights into user engagement, preferences, and behavior, providing enhanced precision and understanding.

The Results tab on the study page provides complete data about the responses submitted by survey respondents and the analytics for their emotions and behavior while viewing the media uploaded using the Upload/YouTube/Vimeo question block.

Here are the steps for accessing the results of your study:

  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will be directed to the dashboard. From the left-hand side navigation panel, click on the "Library" icon.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will be taken to the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the studies conducted.
  3. To view details and insights of the study, click on the study card.
  4. Go to the Results tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page to view the results for question blocks.
  5. On the results page, you will also be able to view question-wise analytics for all the question blocks added.
    For questions in the "General" section, you will find various types of graphs. For questions in the "Media" section, you will find analytics data and charts to understand the respondent's emotions.
    Graph Types for Different Question Blocks: some text
    • General Section: some text
      • Paragraph: Word Cloud
      • Short Answer: Word Cloud
      • Checkbox: Horizontal Bar Chart
      • Dropdown: Horizontal Bar Chart
      • MCQ (Multiple Choice Question): Horizontal Bar Chart
      • Thumbs-up/Down: Pie Chart
      • Linear Scale: Column Chart
      • Smiley Rating: Column Chart
      • Star Rating: Column Chart
      • NPS Rating: Speedometer and Column Chart
  6. Navigate to different questions using the navigation panel to view results for each question block.
  7. Apply filters to view responses from a specific set of respondents. Click on the "Testers" icon at the top right corner of the page to find all the respondent IDs. Select the respondents by checking the appropriate boxes.

Decode allows you to download the raw data corresponding to the survey, which is set up on the platform. The data from all charts available on the platform can be downloaded as a CSV file.

Here are the steps for downloading the data available in the charts:

  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will be directed to the dashboard. From the left-hand side navigation panel, click on the "Library" icon.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will reach the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the conducted studies.
  3. Open the study for which you wish to download the results by clicking on the study card.
  4. Go to the Results tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page.
  5. To download the data, click on the download icon at the top-right corner of the analytics chart. You will also find information such as the total number of responses, tester IDs, and the date of the test.
    💡 Note: If you wish to download the response data for specific respondents, apply a filter for the selection first, and then click on the download button. Only the data of the selected respondents will be downloaded in the CSV file.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A checkbox question block allows respondents to select multiple options from a list of answer choices. The answer choices are presented as checkboxes, which the respondent can select or deselect.


  • Response Required: Selecting at least one answer from the list is mandatory; the respondent will not be able to move to another question without answering this question.
  • Screening Question: You can select valid choices from the options. If participants meet the criteria and select the correct options, the survey will proceed; otherwise, they will be directed to the thank-you screen.
  • Randomize: The options will appear in random order.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option of their choice if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • Progress Bar: A visual indicator showing the advancement or completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked. For a checkbox question block, the results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for any particular respondent or group of respondents.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A multiple-choice question block presents respondents with a list of answer choices, from which they can select one. The choices are presented as radio buttons, allowing only one selection.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; the respondent will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: Used to qualify or disqualify candidates based on their responses.
  • Randomize: Options will appear in random order.
  • None of the Above: Allows respondents to select no options from the list.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • All of the Above: Allows respondents to select all options.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.


You can customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a multiple-choice question block, results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A paragraph question block allows respondents to provide a longer, more detailed response in a free-form text field.

Example: "Please describe your experience with our product in as much detail as possible."


  • Response Required: The respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a paragraph question block, results will be displayed in a word cloud, showing the most frequently used words in respondents' answers.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. Hover over words in the word cloud to see the actual count of each word used.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A short answer question block asks respondents to provide a brief answer in a text field.

Example: "What is your favorite product?"


  • Response Required: The respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.
  • Character Limit: Set to 100.


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a short answer question block, results will be displayed in a word cloud, showing the most frequently used words in respondents' answers.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. Hover over words in the word cloud to see the actual count of each word used.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A dropdown question block presents respondents with a list of choices in a dropdown menu format, where they can select only one option.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer is mandatory; the respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: You can select valid choices to qualify or disqualify participants based on their responses.
  • Randomize: Options will appear in random order.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • Multiple Selection: Respondents can select more than one option from the dropdown list (if enabled).


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a dropdown question block, results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide a numeric response on a scale of 0-10 or 1-10.


  • Start Value to End Value: You have the option to select a scale value of either 0 or 1, and you can choose any end value up to 10.
  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: This question will be used to qualify or disqualify the candidate based on their response.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a Likert scale question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each option in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can rate a question by selecting stars in the answer block. Respondents can rate up to 5 stars.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: This question will be used to qualify or disqualify the candidate based on their response.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a star rating question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each rating in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, you can ask respondents whether they like or dislike an item by using a thumbs-up or thumbs-down.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a thumb rating question block, the result will appear in a pie chart. The two segments will represent the thumbs-up and thumbs-down options.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. You can hover over the segment to view the percentage score.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide responses using smiley ratings. The smiley question is a 5-point rating scale available in the form of smiley images, representing a range of sentiments from negative to positive and vice versa.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Reverse Emoji: The default view shows emojis ranging from very sad to very happy. If you select this option, the emojis will be arranged in reverse order (happy to sad).
  • Enable Emoji Labels: You can enable labels beneath the emojis. By default, the emojis come without labels.

Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a smiley rating question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each option in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular metric for businesses to track customer loyalty and measure the success of their customer experience efforts. It is calculated by asking customers a single question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product/service to a friend or colleague?" The score ranges from -100 to 100 and is calculated as the percentage of customers who are "Promoters" (9-10 rating) minus the percentage of customers who are "Detractors" (0-6 rating).

In Decode, you can add the Net Promoter Score question as a block to your quantitative survey, allowing respondents to provide a numeric response.


  • Response Required: Enabling this property will make the question block mandatory; respondents will not be able to proceed to the next question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Enabling this property will show a study progress bar indicating the respondent's progress through the study.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For an NPS question block, the results will be shown in the following two charts:

  • Semi-Circle Chart: View the NPS score calculated using the formula.
  • Column Chart: View the distribution of respondents who selected each option on the scale.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide a date by selecting it from a calendar or manually inputting the response.

You can also select the "Date and Time" option from the settings section, allowing respondents to submit their answers with both date and time.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Show Calendar: If selected, respondents will see a calendar when entering the response; if turned off, respondents will manually input the date/date and time.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a date question block, the result will appear in a tabular format, listing respondents' IDs with their responses.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.


Adding YouTube videos to survey forms is an innovative way to collect meaningful data from your audience. This data is analyzed by AI-powered tools, providing you with valuable insights that can be used to improve your product or service. By recording respondents' facial expressions and eye movements as they watch a video, you can gain a deeper understanding of their emotional and psychological reactions. This feature is perfect for businesses, researchers, and marketers looking to gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the game.

In this block, you can upload a public access link to gather responses from respondents. To add the URL, copy it from YouTube, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a YouTube media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.


Incorporating Vimeo videos into survey forms is an ingenious way to capture data from your audience. Our product offers a feature that enables you to add Vimeo videos to your surveys and track respondents' facial expressions and eye movements as they watch. This allows you to gain valuable insights into the emotional and psychological reactions of your audience, enabling you to better understand their needs and preferences.

In this block, you can upload a public access link to gather responses from respondents. To add the URL, copy it from Vimeo, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a Vimeo media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.


In Decode, you can also upload videos from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. With this video uploading feature, you can rest assured that your videos are securely stored and ready for use in your surveys. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the video file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.


In Decode, you can also upload images from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the image file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.

  • Duration: The duration can be adjusted manually using the duration slider on the right panel. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Layout: You can make the image either fit onto the screen (which will stretch or collapse as per the screen size) or keep it at its original size.
  • Duration: You have the option to determine the duration for which the image will be displayed to the respondents. By default, the duration is set to 5 seconds.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while viewing the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while viewing the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after viewing the image. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


In Decode, you can also upload images from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the image file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.

  • Duration: The duration can be adjusted manually using the duration slider on the right panel. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Layout: You can make the image either fit onto the screen (which will stretch or collapse as per the screen size) or keep it at its original size.
  • Duration: You have the option to determine the duration for which the image will be displayed to the respondents. By default, the duration is set to 5 seconds.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while viewing the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while viewing the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after viewing the image. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of copying a quantitative study in Decode.

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard. From the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on the "Library" icon.

Step 2: After clicking on the Library option, you will arrive at the home screen of the Library. Here, you will see a repository of all the studies conducted.

Step 3: To copy a study, hover over the study card. You will find a "Copy" icon; click on this icon, and you will receive a pop-up message to proceed further or discard the action.

Step 4: Click on the "Duplicate" button, and you will receive a toaster message indicating the progress of the study duplication.

Step 5: Once the duplication process is complete, you will find the copied study in the Library with the word "Duplicate" added to the study name after the original study name.


With Media Insights in Decode, you can gain valuable insights into how your respondents engage with different types of media, helping you make informed decisions and improve your product or service. Whether you're conducting market research, user testing, or gathering feedback on your product, Media Insights allows you to present a variety of media formats to your respondents and analyze their responses later.

In this article, we'll provide an overview of the Media Insights question block and guide you through the process of adding media to your question block and analyzing the responses you receive.

Under the Media Insights section, you can add the following blocks:

  • Upload Media
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Image Upload

Let's explore these blocks in detail:

Upload Media: With this feature, you can upload a video file to your survey. Respondents will watch the video, and their responses will be gathered using the selected technologies. Users can upload media from their local systems. Supported media formats are mp4, MOV, jpeg, png, and jpg. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

YouTube: You can add a video from YouTube by pasting a public access link into the URL section and clicking the upload button. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

Vimeo: Users can add a publicly accessible URL from the Vimeo platform. To add the URL, copy it from Vimeo, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

Image Upload: With this feature, you can upload an image file to your survey and ask respondents to provide feedback on the image while capturing their emotions and eye gaze. Supported image formats are jpg, png, and svg. The maximum supported image size is 20MB. You can view and move the slider to set the duration for which the image will be displayed, with increments of 1 second.

Properties of the Media Insights Block

  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.

Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.

What is In-Context Testing on Decode?

In-context testing within Decode offers a dynamic way to experiment and evaluate your images and videos in a social media environment like Instagram, TikTok, etc. This feature allows you to simulate the appearance of your content within a social media post or ad format, complete with avatars, captions, and other relevant elements.

What do we offer?

Instagram Feed: Immerse your uploaded images and videos in an Instagram post setting to witness their appearance and feel within this popular social media environment.

Instagram Reels: Acknowledging the craze for Instagram Reels, we've introduced an Instagram Reel simulation. Here, you can upload your videos and see how they appear and perform within the Reel format on Instagram.

TikTok: Test your uploaded videos within a TikTok-like environment to understand their reception and effectiveness on this platform known for its unique video content.

How Does In-Context Testing Work?

When utilizing In-Context Testing on Decode, you can upload your images or videos directly into the testing block. The system then recreates an environment resembling an Instagram or TikTok post, embedding your content seamlessly. This simulation reflects how your media would look when presented as a post on the Instagram platform.

Why Use In-Context Testing?

  • Realistic Representation: Experience an accurate portrayal of your content within the social media-like setting, including the appearance of an avatar, captions, and more.
  • Visual Assessment: Evaluate the visual impact and overall aesthetics of your content in a simulated ad format, aiding in making informed decisions regarding its effectiveness.
  • Optimization and Adjustment: Test variations of images or videos to determine which performs best within the Instagram or TikTok framework. Make necessary adjustments before launching campaigns.

Key Features of In-Context Testing

1. Eye Tracking and Facial Coding

In addition to simulating your content within a social media app-like setting, Decode offers integrated eye-tracking and facial coding technologies. These provide valuable insights into viewer behaviour and emotional responses, offering a comprehensive understanding of audience engagement.

  • Heat Map and Transparency Map Analysis: Visualize areas of high and low attention on your content through a heat map, revealing where viewers focus their gaze the most.
  • Engagement Attention Graph: Graphical representation showcasing peaks and drops in audience engagement, aiding in identifying compelling and less engaging sections.
  • Emotion Analysis: Gain insights into the emotional responses elicited by your content, enabling adjustments to better resonate with your target audience.

2. Avatar Integration: Your content will be accompanied by an avatar, mimicking the typical user's presence, enhancing the realistic feel.

3. Caption Addition: Assess the impact of different captions or text overlays on your content to gauge audience engagement potential.

4. Format Validation: Ensure that your media aligns with the social media post format, helping you avoid unexpected cropping or sizing issues.

How to Use In-Context Testing

Upload Your Media: Simply upload your images or videos into the designated testing block within Decode.

Explore Simulated post: Instantly view how your content would appear within an Instagram or TikTok application.

Analyze and Optimize: Assess the visual impact, adjust captions or elements as necessary, and optimize your content for maximum effectiveness.

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will arrive at the dashboard.

Step 2: On the left navigation panel, click on the “+” icon to open the research page.

Step 3: On the Research page, from the left panel, expand the “Quantitative Study Templates” option by clicking on it and selecting the "In-Context Study" option from the list.

Step 4: Now, click on the “Start from Scratch” button to begin the study creation process.

Step 5: You will be redirected to the study's home page, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.

Step 6: Click on “+ Add New Block” from the navigation panel to add a new block. Look for the "In-Context" option at the bottom of the list, which allows you to simulate social media post behavior for your creatives.

You will find the following three blocks:

  • Insta Gaze: Immerse your uploaded images and videos in an Instagram post setting to witness their appearance and feel within this popular social media environment.
  • Insta Reel: Acknowledging the craze for Instagram Reels, this simulation allows you to upload your videos and see how they appear and perform within the Reel format on Instagram.
  • Tiptap: Test your uploaded videos within a TikTok-like environment to understand their reception and effectiveness on this platform known for its unique video content.

Step 7: After selecting the required in-context testing option, you'll reach the block update page. Here, you can either select the media file(s) you want to add to your study or drag and drop the media files.

Supported formats include:

  • For Instagram Feed: mp4, m4v, png, jpeg, jpg, and SVG.
  • For Instagram Reel and TikTok: mp4, m4v. Note: The maximum time limit for videos is 60 seconds.

Step 8: Once you've added the media, visualize how it appears in the Instagram environment. Customize various properties such as:

  • Setting the duration of the test.
  • Choosing whether the media file can be skipped or not.
  • Selecting whether the media file should be randomized.
  • Setting the category and subcategory of the media file.

Tracking technology options include:

  • Facial Coding: Gain deeper insights into emotional responses evoked by your content, revealing a range of sentiments expressed throughout the experience.
  • Eye Tracking: Understand precisely where respondents focus their attention and which elements within your creative content captivate their gaze.

Step 9: Save the changes by clicking on the “Save” button. Optionally, add survey questions to collect quantitative data. Once finished, publish the study.

In the Results section of in-context testing, you can analyze your study's performance metrics, including total views, average viewing time, drop-off rates, and emotional responses. Identify the most engaging and positively received media and access detailed analytics for attention, engagement, emotions, and eye-tracking heatmaps at the media level. This section provides valuable insights for optimizing content based on audience interactions.

Overview Summary

The overview page provides a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of your test's performance, offering the following key details:

  • Total Views: The cumulative count of instances where your content was entirely visible and thoroughly examined by viewers.
  • Average Time Spent: The average duration users spent engaging with the content.
  • Drop-off Rate: The percentage of users who disengaged or exited the test.

Top Performers

Discover the most impactful aspects of your test through:

  • Best Positive Displayed: Identifies the creative that generated the most positive user responses.
  • Maximum Engagement: Creative that secured the highest user engagement.

Creative Section

Explore the comprehensive list of all creatives that underwent testing. For detailed analytics at the creative level, click on the “View Creative” button corresponding to the desired creative.

Creative Level Analytics

Dive deeper into individual creatives' performance with detailed second-by-second analysis, particularly for video content. The creative level analytics section presents various insightful graphs.

Note: Use the dropdown to view particular graphs.

  • Attention and Engagement Graph: Visualizes user attention and engagement levels throughout the duration of the creative.
  • Emotion Distribution Graph: Illustrates the emotional responses exhibited by viewers across different sections of the creative.
  • Eye-Tracking Data Insights: Provides valuable insights derived from eye-tracking technology, including:some text
    • Heatmap: A visual representation showcasing areas of highest visual focus within the creative.
    • Transparency Map: Detailed insights into user gaze patterns and attention distribution.

Creating a Website In-Context Test in Decode

Decode introduces an innovative feature for advertisers and researchers: In-Context Testing tailored specifically for ads on news websites. This powerful tool enables advertisers to simulate and evaluate their advertisements within the context of a news website, gaining essential insights into ad performance and resonance with the audience.

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will arrive at the dashboard.

Step 2: On the left navigation panel, click on the “+” icon to open the research page.

Step 3: On the Research page, from the left panel, expand the “Quantitative Study Templates” option by clicking on it and selecting the "In-Context Study" option from the list.

Step 4: Click on the “Start from Scratch” button or choose from the predefined templates to begin the study creation process.

Step 5: You will be redirected to the study's home page, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.

Step 6: Click on “+ Add New Block” from the navigation panel to add a new block. Look for the "In-Context Website" option at the bottom of the list, which allows you to simulate news website behavior for your creatives.

Step 7: Once you select the "News" option, you will arrive at the creation page. Here, you will find different pages of the news website provided by Decode to place your ads. Select any page to place your ads.

Step 8: After selecting the page, you can start placing your ads in the news website layout. Click on the "Ad" placeholder to add a banner ad. You can also add different sections to the website and place your ads there.

Step 9: On the right-hand side, you will find the property panel, where you can define various options:

  • Device Type: Choose where you want to test the website, i.e., Mobile or Desktop.
  • Setting the Duration of the Test.
  • Choosing Whether the Block File Can Be Skipped or Not.
  • Setting the Category and Subcategory of the Media File.

Tracking technology options include:

  • Facial Coding: Gain deeper insights into emotional responses evoked by your ads.
  • Eye Tracking: Understand precisely where respondents focus their attention and which elements within your ads captivate their gaze.
  • Mouse Click Tracking: Capture the clicks made by users on the ad.

Step 10: Save the changes by clicking on the “Save” button. Optionally, add survey questions to collect quantitative data. Once finished, publish the study.

In the Results section of website in-context testing, you can analyze your study's performance metrics, including total complete and partial views, total interactions with the ads, and average time spent data. Identify the most engaging and positively received ads and access detailed analytics for attention, engagement, emotions, and eye-tracking heatmaps at the ad level. This section provides valuable insights for optimizing content based on audience interactions.

Overview Summary

The overview page provides a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of your test's performance, offering the following key details:

  • Total Views in 100: The cumulative count of instances where an advertisement was entirely visible and thoroughly examined by viewers.
  • Total Views in 50: Number of times the ad was partially visible. (If the ad is placed at the bottom, and users have not scrolled fully to view the ad, only some sections of the ad are visible, and this will be counted as a partial view.)
  • Total Interaction: Number of times users clicked on the ads and interacted with the content.
  • Average Time Spent: The average duration users spent engaging with the ads.

Top Performers

Discover the most impactful aspects of your test through:

  • Best Positive Displayed: Identifies the ad that generated the most positive user responses.
  • Maximum Engagement: Ad that secured the highest user engagement.
  • Maximum Interaction: Ads that received the maximum number of clicks.

Creative Section

Explore the comprehensive list of all creatives that underwent testing. For detailed analytics at the creative level, click on the “View Creative” button corresponding to the desired creative.


  1. Total Views: Average of Total Views in 50 and Total Views in 100. Calculation: (Total Views in 50) + (Total Views in 100) / 2
  2. Total Views in 50: Average of the number of times the ad was viewed partially by users. Calculation: (Viewer 1 * number of times viewed the ad partially) + (Viewer 2 * number of times viewed the ad partially) + … / Total number of viewers
  3. Total Views in 100: Average of the number of times the ad was viewed in full by users. Calculation: (Viewer 1 * number of times viewed the ad in full) + (Viewer 2 * number of times viewed the ad in full) + … / Total number of viewers
  4. Total Interaction: Average clicks made by users on the ad. Calculation: (Number of clicks by Viewer 1) + (Number of clicks by Viewer 2) + … / Total number of viewers
  5. Dominant Emotions: Emotion displayed the most by users.

Attention and Engagement Graph

It provides the viewer's second-by-second attention and engagement scores. The chart is presented as a line graph; hovering over the timelines will display scores for that second.

Emotion Graph

This graph provides information about the respondent's emotions throughout the media. It displays the emotions respondents exhibit at specific seconds while watching the ad.

Heatmap and Transparency Map

  • Heatmap: A visual representation of areas most viewed by respondents. It uses a gradient to highlight areas with higher visual focus, with brighter colors indicating more frequent viewing.
  • Transparency Map: Plots gaze points on top of the media, making areas with higher gaze points transparent to reveal attention distribution.

Insights Download

You can also download the insights in CSV format. The downloaded format includes metrics, definitions, units of measurement, and other important details.

  • Media Level Download CSV: Includes data for all the media and metrics.
  • Tester Level Download CSV: Includes tester-wise data for all metrics and ads.

Table of contents

How to create a Quantitative study?


Conducting a quantitative study on Decode can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping you make data-driven decisions. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to create quantitative studies in Decode.


Step 1: Once you log into your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click the “+” button on the left navigation panel.

Step 3: You will be directed to a page where you can choose the type of research you want to perform. By default, the quantitative research page will be displayed.

Step 4: From the navigation panel on the left side, you can expand the template types by clicking on them. Once you have explored the templates, select the type of quantitative research you want to conduct.

Step 5: If you decide to create a survey from scratch, click the "Create from Scratch" button.

Step 6: After clicking it, you will be redirected to the survey's home page, which you can customize and use as the introduction page for your survey.

Note: By default, the survey language is set to “US English.” You can customize this setting based on your requirements.

Step 7: For every study, a welcome page and a thank-you page will be available by default, both of which can be customized.

Step 8: Click the “+ Add New Block” button from the homepage or the navigation panel to add a new block.

In the block section, you can add the following:

General:  In this section, you'll find different question types you can add to your survey.

Media Insight: Here, you can upload media from your local system or add a YouTube or Vimeo video.

Once you select a block type, a form will open where you can customize the block, add logic for question appearance, and modify the question properties

Step 9: Before publishing the survey, preview it by clicking the "Preview" button in the top-right corner of the page.

Step 10: Click the "Publish" button to make the survey live.

Types of Question Blocks


In Decode, a variety of question blocks are available to add to your studies, making them more engaging and appealing to respondents. You can gather responses and later view results in the form of charts for analysis. This article provides an overview of the different question types available in Decode.

The question blocks are divided into the following categories:

  • Greetings
  • General
  • Media Insights
  • In-Context
  • In-Context-Website


The greetings section is included by default in all quantitative surveys and comprises the following blocks:

  • Welcome Screen: This page appears when the respondent clicks on the survey link. It serves as the introduction to the survey. You can customize the welcome block by adding background images, themes, and adjusting element alignments. Specific properties such as theme, alignment, and description text can be customized. This screen cannot be deleted, as it is essential to the survey.
  • Thank you screen: Displayed when a user completes the survey, this block allows you to thank the user for their time and provide relevant information or next steps. You can customize the layout and description. Like the welcome screen, this page cannot be deleted from the study.
  • Error Screen: This page appears on the respondent's screen if any issues or failures occur while taking the survey. An error may arise if the respondent toggles between browser tabs during the survey.


In the general section, you can find the different question types to add to your study:

1. Checkbox Question: Respondents can select multiple answers from a list of options.


  • Response required: Respondents must answer before moving to the next question.
  • Screening Question: Filters participants based on specific criteria.
  • Randomize: The answer options appear in random order.
  • Others: Allows respondents to add a custom option if their answer isn’t listed.
  • Progress Bar: A visual indicator showing the survey's completion status.

2. Dropdown Question: Respondents select one option from a dropdown list.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on set criteria.
  • Randomize: Displays answer options in random order.
  • Others: Custom option available for respondents.
  • All of the Above: Selects all options.
  • None of the Above: Selects no options.
  • Multiple Selection: Allows choosing more than one option.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

3. Thumb Up/Down: Respondents indicate their preference (like or dislike) using thumbs-up or thumbs-down.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks the completion status.

4. Linear Scale: Respondents provide a numeric rating on a scale.


  • Start from 1: Scale starts at 1 (default start is 0).
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Screening Question: Filters participants based on criteria.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks the survey's completion status.

5. Multiple Choice Question: Respondents select one option from a list.


  • All of the Above: Selects all listed options.
  • None of the Above: Selects no listed options.
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Randomize: Displays options randomly.
  • Others: Custom option available.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on criteria.
  • Progress Bar: Tracks survey progress.

6. Paragraph Question: Respondents write a detailed answer in the provided comment box, with a 200-character limit.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

7. Short Answer Question: Respondents write a short response (100-character limit).


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

8. Smiley Rating: Respondents rate items using a 5-point scale with smiley faces representing sentiments.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Reverse Emoji: Displays emojis in reverse order (happy to sad).
  • Enable Emoji Labels: Adds labels beneath the emojis.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.

9. Star Rating Question: Respondents rate items by selecting up to 5 stars.


  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays survey progress.
  • Screening Question: Filters respondents based on criteria.

10. Net Promoter Score: Respondents provide a numeric rating based on their likelihood to recommend.


  • Response Required: Makes answering mandatory.
  • Progress Bar: Displays progress throughout the survey.

11. Date: Respondents select or input a date in response to the question.


  • Response Setting: Choose whether to capture date only or date and time.
  • Response required: Answering is mandatory.
  • Show Calendar: Option to display a calendar for date selection.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.

Media Insight

In this section, you can upload your media from your local system and add a YouTube video or a Vimeo video.

  • Upload Media: Users can upload media from their local systems. The media format to be selected is mp4, MOV, jpeg, png, and jpg.
    • While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to see the media upload status.
    • Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to see the preview of the media
  • Youtube: You can add the publically accessible URL from youtube. To add the URL, copy it from youtube and paste the URL section and click on the upload button.
    • Once the link is updated, you will be able to see the preview of the media.
    • An error message will be shown if the URL is private.
  • Vimeo: users can add the publically accessible URL from the Vimeo platform. To add the URL, copy it from vimeo and paste the URL section and click on the upload button.
  • Image Upload: With this feature, you can upload an image file to your survey and ask respondents to provide their feedback on the image while capturing their emotions and eye gaze.

Properties of Media Insights:

Category: you can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with the other media in the same category.

  • To select the category, click on the field name and select it from the dropdown.

Subcategory: This is the subordinate of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.

Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track the respondents' behaviour. You can select the following technology:

  • Facial coding: This can be used to analyse the facial emotions of the respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled all the time.
  • Eye tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and eye gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In this section, you will find different question types you can add to your study, referencing Instagram and TikTok.

  • Instagaze: Upload images and preview them Instagram-style. Gain insights into content adaptation and enhance success on Instagram.
  • Instagaze Reels: This feature allows users to upload videos into an environment that authentically replicates Instagram Reels. This hands-on experience provides valuable insights into how the content would appear and resonate within the dynamic realm of Instagram Reels.
  • Tip-Tap: Users can now upload videos and experience them in a simulated TikTok environment. This feature enables content creators and researchers to gain an immersive preview of how their content would appear and engage within TikTok's dynamic interface.

Properties of In-Context:

Duration: You can specify the duration for this block, ranging from 60 to 300 seconds.

Category: Specify the group where your media belongs. This helps compare the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.

Subcategory: This is a subordinate category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.

Tracking Technology: Choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select from the following technologies:

  • Facial coding: Analyze respondents' facial emotions while watching the media. The camera must be enabled at all times for this feature.
  • Eye tracking: Capture respondents' eye movement and gaze while watching the media.

Randomize: Options will appear in random order.

Can Be Skipped: This feature allows respondents to skip the specific block without answering.


In this section, you will find the different question types you can add to your study with reference to News (currently available), with Wellness, Automobile, and Travel categories coming soon.

  • News: Discover how users interact with news platforms through in-context testing. This strategic journey unveils how users connect with content, explore features, and navigate seamlessly.

Properties of In-Context Website:

  • Preferred Device: Customize the study based on the respondents' preferred device.
  • Duration: Specify the duration for this block, ranging from 60 to 300 seconds.
  • Can Be Skipped: Allows respondents to skip the specific block without answering.
  • Category: Specify the group where your media belongs. This helps compare the overall score of your media with others in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: Choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select from the following technologies:some text
    • Facial coding: Analyze respondents' facial emotions while viewing the media. The camera must be enabled at all times for this feature.
    • Eye tracking: Capture respondents' eye movements and gaze while viewing the media.
    • Mouse tracking: Capture respondents' mouse scroll behavior while viewing the media.

How to add a question block in a Survey/Quantitative study?


You can select question blocks in your survey to make it more assessable and later view the analytics. In Decode, we support multiple types of questions. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding question blocks to your surveys.


  1. Once you log in to your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation pane, click the “+” button present on the navigation tab on the home screen.
  3. You will be directed to the page where you can choose the type of research you want to perform. By default, the quantitative research page will be shown.
  4. From the navigation panel on the left side, expand to view the types of study templates available. Select the "Survey" option under Quantitative Study Templates.
    Note: For now, we support only the "Start from Scratch" option, so please select that option only.
  5. Click the "Create from Scratch" button.
  6. Once you click on it, you will land on the study's Welcome screen, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.
  7. For every study, you will find a Welcome page and Thank You page added by default. You can change the theme, text, and alignment of these pages as desired.
  8. To add a new block, click the “+” button in the left navigation pane.
    In the block section, you can add the following types of survey blocks:
  9. The study will be saved in the library section in the "Draft" stage. You can preview the study for all the question blocks added. Once done, you can publish the study so respondents can take the test.

To learn more about blocks, refer to the articles for the respective blocks.

Changing Order of question Block


You can change the order of the questions in a quantitative study. Only the Welcome page and Thank You page have fixed positions due to their usability in the study. This article will guide you through the steps for changing the order of the question blocks in a quantitative study.


  1. Open the study for which you want to reorder the question blocks. To access the study, you can navigate to the library of Decode or edit the blocks while creating the study.
  2. Once you open the study, you will land on its create page. Here, you will find all the question blocks added to the study on the left navigation panel.
  3. To arrange the question blocks in order, drag and drop the blocks in the navigation panel.

Screening Question

Screening is a foundational step in the research process and is crucial for ensuring the integrity and success of a study. By meticulously selecting participants who meet predefined criteria, researchers can enhance the quality of their data, reduce biases, and ensure they reach the right target audience.

Benefits of Effective Screening

  • Improved Data Quality: By selecting participants who closely match the study criteria, researchers can obtain more accurate and reliable data.
  • Reduced Bias: Proper screening minimizes the risk of bias, ensuring that the study sample is representative of the target population.
  • Resource Efficiency: Effective screening helps in focusing resources on suitable participants, reducing wastage, and improving the overall efficiency of the research process.

How to add a screening question?

  1. Log in to the platform to be redirected to the dashboard.
  2. Click the "Create Study" icon located on the left side of the navigation bar.
  3. Select "Quantitative Study" and click the "Start from Scratch" button to create a new study.
  4. Click the “+” icon to add your preferred survey block to the study.
  5. In the properties panel, toggle the screening question option and configure it according to your preferences.
Screening Question Supported Survey Blocks:
  1. Checkbox Questionsome text
    • Exact Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: The test passes only if all valid options are selected and none of the invalid options are selected.
      • Failing Criteria: The test fails if any invalid option is selected, if any valid and invalid options are selected together, or if only one valid option is selected.
    • At Least Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: The test passes if all valid options are selected, regardless of whether any invalid options are selected.
      • Failing Criteria: The test fails if at least one valid option is not selected or if only invalid options are selected.
  2. Dropdown Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria (Single Select):some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if any one of the valid options is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected.
    • Selection Criteria (Multi-Select):some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if all valid options are selected or if one valid option is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected or if a combination of valid and invalid options is selected.
  3. Likert Scale Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if the selected range lies within the configured qualifying range.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if the selected range does not lie within the configured qualifying range.
  4. Star Rating Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if the selected number of stars is equal to or above the configured qualifying range.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if the selected number of stars is below the configured qualifying range.
  5. Multiple Choice Questionsome text
    • Selection Criteria:some text
      • Passing Criteria: Pass if any one of the valid options is selected.
      • Failing Criteria: Fail if none of the valid options are selected.

Note: The 'exact' and 'at least' validation options for screening questions are currently supported only for checkbox questions. Screening can be added at any point, and the flow can be customized according to your needs.

How to add Screening Logic in Question Blocks


In a survey, screening questions are used to identify which respondents meet specific criteria or qualifications. They help ensure that the sample of respondents accurately represents the population being studied or exclude respondents who are irrelevant to the research.

Screening questions can assess various criteria, such as age, gender, education level, income, employment status, and other demographic characteristics. They are usually administered at the beginning of the survey to ensure the sample is appropriate for the research.

If participants meet the criteria and select the correct options, the survey will start. Otherwise, the thank you screen will appear, and the survey will close.


  1. In the survey, open the question you want to make a screening question.
  2. Under the property section in the right menu bar, enable the "Screening Question" option by clicking the toggle button.
    Note: Once you make a question a screening question, the response required option will be automatically selected.
  3. In the question section, select the correct options for the screening by checking the checkboxes against the options.In the star rating and linear scale question block types, you can define a qualifying range in the screening section. Respondents who select options within the qualifying range will be screened.

Branching and Logic in Question Blocks


Branching and logic in survey questions allow you to present different sets of questions to respondents based on their answers to previous questions. This helps tailor the survey to the individual respondent and ensures they are only asked relevant questions.

You can also define the question block appearance logic so that the survey changes according to responses to specific questions. In a branched survey, questions appear only if they satisfy a specific condition.

To add branching and logic, a minimum of two questions are required in a survey. You can add different branching for all the options available in the question block, and the redirection will happen according to the branching selected.


  1. Open the question block for which you wish to add branching logic.
  2. From the right menu bar, click on the "Logic" option and then click the "Add Logic" button. A page will appear on the screen to define the branching logic.
  3. Add a branching condition by selecting the appropriate directing questions from the dropdown for all the options available in the question block.
    Different types of conditions you can add to the question:some text
    • If-Then Logic: "If-then" branching allows you to specify a condition. The redirection of the survey will occur only if it satisfies the given condition.
    • IS: In this condition, respondents will be redirected to the branched question if they select the option under this condition.
    • IS NOT: In this condition, respondents will be redirected to the branched question if they do NOT select the option under this condition.
    • OR: You can add multiple conditions by clicking the "+Add condition" button. By selecting the "OR" condition, you can allow multiple conditions and execute a block of code if any of those conditions are true.
  4. The "Add Rule" button allows you to add multiple branching conditions for the same question.

How to delete a question block?


If the study is in the draft stage, you can edit, delete, or update it before publishing. This article will guide you through the steps of deleting a question block in a study.


  1. Open the study from which you want to delete the question block(s). To access the study, navigate to the Decode library or delete the block while creating the study.
  2. Once you open the study, you will land on its create page. Here, you will find all the question blocks added to the study on the left navigation panel.
  3. To delete a block, click on it and then click on the three dots located on the right-hand side of the block.
  4. After clicking the three dots, the delete option will appear. A confirmation message will then pop up to verify the deletion.
    Note: The Welcome page and Thank You page cannot be deleted from any quantitative study, as they are mandatory in the studies.

Integration/3rd party redirect of Quantitative Studies


Integrations and redirects are used when a respondent needs to navigate to a different platform from the Decode survey. The URL for the third-party platform is added while creating a study to navigate the respondent.

What is a Redirect URL?

Third-party redirects in surveys refer to the practice of redirecting survey respondents to an external website or platform. This is typically done by inserting a redirect link into the survey flow, which sends the respondent to an external platform or website.


  1. Open the study to which you want to add redirects to/from third-party platforms.
    You can define the integrations while creating the study or later if the study is in the draft stage.
  2. In the study, go to the Connect tab. On this page, you will find fields for adding the URL of the platforms to/from which you want the redirect to happen for different events while taking the survey in the study.some text
    • Complete URL: This is the URL where respondents will be redirected after successfully completing a test in Decode. If users require sending respondents in Decode to another system post-successful completion of eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests, this is the URL that should be configured.
    • Screen Out URL: This is the URL where respondents will be redirected if they do not clear the screening questionnaire configured in Decode. This URL can also be used to redirect respondents who do not enable their camera and audio device permissions.
    • Error URL: This is the URL to which respondents are redirected if their test gets aborted in Decode. Tests can be aborted for reasons such as:some text
      • The respondent reloads a page or navigates away from a test screen.
      • The respondent's camera or audio fails.
      • The respondent faces network issues.
    • Quality Check URL: This URL can be configured for redirecting duplicate participants who try to open a test for the second time.

How to add static variables?

In addition to redirecting respondents to another platform, Decode users can also configure static variables that can be sent back to the URLs of respondents who complete eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests.

What is a Static Variable?

Static variables are URL variables used to share required information in the URL. The primary reason for using URL variables is to pass on information like status. Variables are used when users want the respondent to be redirected to a specific page of a website or a survey form after completing the test in Decode.

3rd Party Integration in Decode


Decode users have the flexibility to link their survey platforms with Decode, allowing respondents to answer survey questions on those platforms while taking corresponding eye tracking and/or facial coding tests on Decode.

For example, users can set up a flow where respondents answer pre-survey or screening questions in a system like FocusVision, get redirected to Decode to take the eye-tracking and/or facial coding test, and then be redirected back to FocusVision to answer post-survey questions.

Understanding common integration scenarios

  1. Redirecting from Your Survey Platform to Decode: Users can append unique URL variables to the redirection link in their survey systems. These variables will then be passed on to and stored within Decode when a respondent completes the pre-survey/screening questionnaire.
    For example, the following URL: https://client.affectlab.io/applicant/token/1f55c75566674cbf9e045530e91524a?list=101&psid=${VARpsid.val}&basic=${VARbasic.val}some text
    • Contains variables like 'psid' and 'basic', which are passed to Decode as unique values for each respondent. These variables are automatically stored in Decode's database and can be mapped against unique Decode IDs created for each respondent.
  2. Redirecting from Decode to Your Survey Platform: Users can configure redirects in the Decode study settings to redirect respondents who complete eye tracking and/or facial coding tests to the survey platform. They can also add any static variables that need to be passed from Decode to the survey platform.
  3. Redirecting from Your Survey Platform to Decode and Back: This is a common integration scenario and can be accomplished through the steps mentioned in the first two scenarios:some text
    • Users copy the study URL and paste it into the redirection settings of the survey platform. They append any variables that need to be passed to the Decode study URL.
    • Users configure the redirects in Decode to send respondents back to the survey system after completing eye-tracking and/or facial coding tests.

Steps to link Decode with your survey platform

  1. Set up a study in Decode by uploading your stimuli or adding some survey questions.
  2. Navigate to the Connect tab to add the redirect platform link.
  3. Once all these steps have been completed, launch the study to make the study URL live.
  4. Copy the URL for the study.
    Note: The "Copy Survey Link" is a utility URL right now; it won't work while setting up redirection. The actual URL is needed for setup, which can be extracted from the backend for redirection purposes.
  5. Feed the URL into the redirection settings of the survey. For example, users can take the study URL from Decode and insert it into the XML script of the survey to configure the redirection to Decode.
  6. Once done, test the flow to confirm it's working as intended before launching the study.

How to launch/publish a quantitative study?


Once the study is created, it is available in the library. You can launch the study while creating it or later on. This guide will walk you through the process of launching a quantitative study in Decode.


  1. Log in to your Decode account, and you will be directed to the dashboard.
  2. Select the "Library" option from the left navigation panel.
  3. On the library page, all the studies available on the Decode platform will be listed. Click on the study card to open it.
    For unpublished studies, you will see a "Draft" status on their card.
  4. Once you open a quantitative study, you will land on the welcome page. Click on the "Publish" button located at the top right corner of the page to publish your study.
    Note: The "Publish" button will only be clickable if the survey is error-free. If there are any errors in the question blocks, they will be highlighted in red. You must correct these errors before the study can be published.

How to share a quantitative study?


Once you have published a study, you can share it with respondents via a URL or direct social media links to gather responses. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for sharing a quantitative study.


  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will arrive at the dashboard. Click on the "Library" icon from the left navigation panel.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will reach the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the conducted studies.
  3. Click on the study tile to open a specific study.
  4. Go to the "Share" tab within the study. You will find the publicly accessible URL of the study, which you can share with respondents.
    Note: Respondents will not be able to take the test until your study is published. To publish the study, click on the "Publish" button located at the top right corner of the page. Once published, share the URL to gather responses.

Media Insights


For all the media question blocks available in a quantitative study, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study. This guide will provide an overview of the media dashboard and the different metrics available.

Overall Media Dashboard

In the Overall Media Dashboard, you will find insights on media performance, including Decode score, Dominant Emotion, Emotions Felt, and metrics such as Attention and Engagement.

The dashboard displays the media's overall performance compared to other media in the same category. The overall score of your media is compared with category-wise benchmark scores available on our platform.

Attention and Engagement

  • Attention: Calculated based on head pose and eye gaze.
  • Engagement: Measures the total emotional reactions evoked by the user at a particular moment.

Emotion Responses

The overall percentage of users who felt positive or negative while viewing the media. The score is calculated by averaging the emotions of each user over the media length.

  • Positive Emotions Calculation: Sum of happiness and surprise.
  • Negative Emotions Calculation: Sum of anger, disgust, and contempt. (Fear and sadness are not included in negative emotions, as these emotions need to be considered within the context of the media and can be shown as standalone emotions.)

Second-by-Second Media Performance

This dashboard provides a second-by-second analysis of emotions, attention, and engagement using line graphs, as well as the heatmap and transparency map captured via eye-tracking technology.

  • Heatmap: A visual representation of areas viewed most by respondents. It uses a VIBGYOR gradient to indicate color intensity, with brighter colors highlighting areas viewed more frequently.
  • Transparency Map: Shows gaze points as transparency on the media. Unlike heatmaps, transparency maps make the media transparent where gaze points aggregate.

Engagement and Attention Chart

Displays second-by-second attention, engagement, and emotion scores in a line graph. The x-axis represents the media length in seconds, and the y-axis represents the score on a scale from 0 to 100.

  • Color Conventions: The purple line represents attention scores, while the orange line represents engagement scores.

Emotion Analysis

Provides information on the respondent's emotions throughout the media. Displays emotions at specific seconds during media playback.

  • Color Convention Chart: Located at the top of the graph.

Areas of Interest (AOIs)

Offers deeper insights into user interactions through precise AOI tracking. Draw a box on the video or image to highlight the area of interest and save it. This helps uncover valuable insights into user engagement, preferences, and behavior, providing enhanced precision and understanding.

How to view the result/analytics of the study?

The Results tab on the study page provides complete data about the responses submitted by survey respondents and the analytics for their emotions and behavior while viewing the media uploaded using the Upload/YouTube/Vimeo question block.

Here are the steps for accessing the results of your study:

  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will be directed to the dashboard. From the left-hand side navigation panel, click on the "Library" icon.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will be taken to the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the studies conducted.
  3. To view details and insights of the study, click on the study card.
  4. Go to the Results tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page to view the results for question blocks.
  5. On the results page, you will also be able to view question-wise analytics for all the question blocks added.
    For questions in the "General" section, you will find various types of graphs. For questions in the "Media" section, you will find analytics data and charts to understand the respondent's emotions.
    Graph Types for Different Question Blocks: some text
    • General Section: some text
      • Paragraph: Word Cloud
      • Short Answer: Word Cloud
      • Checkbox: Horizontal Bar Chart
      • Dropdown: Horizontal Bar Chart
      • MCQ (Multiple Choice Question): Horizontal Bar Chart
      • Thumbs-up/Down: Pie Chart
      • Linear Scale: Column Chart
      • Smiley Rating: Column Chart
      • Star Rating: Column Chart
      • NPS Rating: Speedometer and Column Chart
  6. Navigate to different questions using the navigation panel to view results for each question block.
  7. Apply filters to view responses from a specific set of respondents. Click on the "Testers" icon at the top right corner of the page to find all the respondent IDs. Select the respondents by checking the appropriate boxes.

Downloading Study/Survey Responses

Decode allows you to download the raw data corresponding to the survey, which is set up on the platform. The data from all charts available on the platform can be downloaded as a CSV file.

Here are the steps for downloading the data available in the charts:

  1. Log in to the Decode platform, and you will be directed to the dashboard. From the left-hand side navigation panel, click on the "Library" icon.
  2. After clicking on the library option, you will reach the library homepage. Here, you will see a repository of all the conducted studies.
  3. Open the study for which you wish to download the results by clicking on the study card.
  4. Go to the Results tab from the navigation panel at the top of the page.
  5. To download the data, click on the download icon at the top-right corner of the analytics chart. You will also find information such as the total number of responses, tester IDs, and the date of the test.
    💡 Note: If you wish to download the response data for specific respondents, apply a filter for the selection first, and then click on the download button. Only the data of the selected respondents will be downloaded in the CSV file.

Checkbox Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A checkbox question block allows respondents to select multiple options from a list of answer choices. The answer choices are presented as checkboxes, which the respondent can select or deselect.


  • Response Required: Selecting at least one answer from the list is mandatory; the respondent will not be able to move to another question without answering this question.
  • Screening Question: You can select valid choices from the options. If participants meet the criteria and select the correct options, the survey will proceed; otherwise, they will be directed to the thank-you screen.
  • Randomize: The options will appear in random order.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option of their choice if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • Progress Bar: A visual indicator showing the advancement or completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked. For a checkbox question block, the results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for any particular respondent or group of respondents.

Multiple Choice Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A multiple-choice question block presents respondents with a list of answer choices, from which they can select one. The choices are presented as radio buttons, allowing only one selection.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; the respondent will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: Used to qualify or disqualify candidates based on their responses.
  • Randomize: Options will appear in random order.
  • None of the Above: Allows respondents to select no options from the list.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • All of the Above: Allows respondents to select all options.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.


You can customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a multiple-choice question block, results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

Paragraph Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A paragraph question block allows respondents to provide a longer, more detailed response in a free-form text field.

Example: "Please describe your experience with our product in as much detail as possible."


  • Response Required: The respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a paragraph question block, results will be displayed in a word cloud, showing the most frequently used words in respondents' answers.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. Hover over words in the word cloud to see the actual count of each word used.

Short Answer Question block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A short answer question block asks respondents to provide a brief answer in a text field.

Example: "What is your favorite product?"


  • Response Required: The respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Displays the survey's completion status.
  • Character Limit: Set to 100.


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a short answer question block, results will be displayed in a word cloud, showing the most frequently used words in respondents' answers.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. Hover over words in the word cloud to see the actual count of each word used.

Dropdown Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

A dropdown question block presents respondents with a list of choices in a dropdown menu format, where they can select only one option.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer is mandatory; the respondent cannot move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: You can select valid choices to qualify or disqualify participants based on their responses.
  • Randomize: Options will appear in random order.
  • Others: Respondents can add an option if it is not listed. This option will be available at the end of the list.
  • Multiple Selection: Respondents can select more than one option from the dropdown list (if enabled).


Customize the user interface by changing the font family, color scheme, and adding a background image.


In the logic section, define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow based on different responses.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, analyze the block-wise results. For a dropdown question block, results will appear in a bar chart, showing the number of respondents who selected each option. The height of the bar will vary accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking on the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

Likert Scale Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide a numeric response on a scale of 0-10 or 1-10.


  • Start Value to End Value: You have the option to select a scale value of either 0 or 1, and you can choose any end value up to 10.
  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: This question will be used to qualify or disqualify the candidate based on their response.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a Likert scale question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each option in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

Star Rating Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can rate a question by selecting stars in the answer block. Respondents can rate up to 5 stars.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Screening Question: This question will be used to qualify or disqualify the candidate based on their response.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a star rating question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each rating in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

Thumb Rating Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, you can ask respondents whether they like or dislike an item by using a thumbs-up or thumbs-down.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a thumb rating question block, the result will appear in a pie chart. The two segments will represent the thumbs-up and thumbs-down options.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups. You can hover over the segment to view the percentage score.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

Smiley Rating Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide responses using smiley ratings. The smiley question is a 5-point rating scale available in the form of smiley images, representing a range of sentiments from negative to positive and vice versa.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer from the list is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Reverse Emoji: The default view shows emojis ranging from very sad to very happy. If you select this option, the emojis will be arranged in reverse order (happy to sad).
  • Enable Emoji Labels: You can enable labels beneath the emojis. By default, the emojis come without labels.

Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a smiley rating question block, the result will appear in a column chart. You will find the number of respondents who selected each option in every bar of the chart, and the height of the bar will change accordingly.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

NPS Question Block

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular metric for businesses to track customer loyalty and measure the success of their customer experience efforts. It is calculated by asking customers a single question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product/service to a friend or colleague?" The score ranges from -100 to 100 and is calculated as the percentage of customers who are "Promoters" (9-10 rating) minus the percentage of customers who are "Detractors" (0-6 rating).

In Decode, you can add the Net Promoter Score question as a block to your quantitative survey, allowing respondents to provide a numeric response.


  • Response Required: Enabling this property will make the question block mandatory; respondents will not be able to proceed to the next question without answering.
  • Progress Bar: Enabling this property will show a study progress bar indicating the respondent's progress through the study.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the question to customize the survey flow for different responses. To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For an NPS question block, the results will be shown in the following two charts:

  • Semi-Circle Chart: View the NPS score calculated using the formula.
  • Column Chart: View the distribution of respondents who selected each option on the scale.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block in studies, click here.

Date Question Block

This question block falls under the General question blocks.

In this question type, respondents can provide a date by selecting it from a calendar or manually inputting the response.

You can also select the "Date and Time" option from the settings section, allowing respondents to submit their answers with both date and time.


  • Response Required: Selecting an answer is mandatory; respondents will not be able to move to another question without answering.
  • Show Calendar: If selected, respondents will see a calendar when entering the response; if turned off, respondents will manually input the date/date and time.
  • Progress Bar: It will display the completion status of the survey.


You can customize the user interface of this block by changing the font family and color scheme and adding a background image to the question.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the questions asked.

For a date question block, the result will appear in a tabular format, listing respondents' IDs with their responses.

You can download the result by clicking the download button; the result will be saved in CSV format. You can filter the result and view or download data for specific respondents or groups.

To understand how to add a question block, click here.

Youtube Media Block


Adding YouTube videos to survey forms is an innovative way to collect meaningful data from your audience. This data is analyzed by AI-powered tools, providing you with valuable insights that can be used to improve your product or service. By recording respondents' facial expressions and eye movements as they watch a video, you can gain a deeper understanding of their emotional and psychological reactions. This feature is perfect for businesses, researchers, and marketers looking to gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the game.

In this block, you can upload a public access link to gather responses from respondents. To add the URL, copy it from YouTube, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a YouTube media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.

Vimeo Media Block


Incorporating Vimeo videos into survey forms is an ingenious way to capture data from your audience. Our product offers a feature that enables you to add Vimeo videos to your surveys and track respondents' facial expressions and eye movements as they watch. This allows you to gain valuable insights into the emotional and psychological reactions of your audience, enabling you to better understand their needs and preferences.

In this block, you can upload a public access link to gather responses from respondents. To add the URL, copy it from Vimeo, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a Vimeo media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.

Upload Media Block


In Decode, you can also upload videos from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. With this video uploading feature, you can rest assured that your videos are securely stored and ready for use in your surveys. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the video file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after watching the video. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.


Once your study is published and respondents have taken the test, you can analyze the block-wise results of the question blocks. For a media insights block, you will find analytics for facial tracking and eye tracking based on the tracking technology selected while creating the study.

The results dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your respondents' responses and presents a detailed breakdown of various metric scores, such as attention and engagement, along with emotion scores. It also features graphs that display the attention, engagement, and emotion scores on a second-by-second basis, offering valuable insights into how your respondents respond to your content. The heatmap and transparency map along with AOIs can also be viewed. This dashboard offers a complete picture of your respondents' emotional and psychological reactions, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve your content and better serve their needs.

To understand the meaning of different graphs in this dashboard, Click Here.

Image Upload Block


In Decode, you can also upload images from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the image file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.

  • Duration: The duration can be adjusted manually using the duration slider on the right panel. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Layout: You can make the image either fit onto the screen (which will stretch or collapse as per the screen size) or keep it at its original size.
  • Duration: You have the option to determine the duration for which the image will be displayed to the respondents. By default, the duration is set to 5 seconds.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while viewing the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while viewing the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after viewing the image. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.

How to copy a quantitative study?


In Decode, you can also upload images from your computer to your surveys seamlessly. Once uploaded, you can record respondents' facial expressions and eye movements, giving you valuable insights into their reactions and preferences.

In this block, you can either drag and drop the image file or choose from your library to gather responses from respondents.

  • Duration: The duration can be adjusted manually using the duration slider on the right panel. By default, it is set to 5 seconds.


  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Layout: You can make the image either fit onto the screen (which will stretch or collapse as per the screen size) or keep it at its original size.
  • Duration: You have the option to determine the duration for which the image will be displayed to the respondents. By default, the duration is set to 5 seconds.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while viewing the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.
    • Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while viewing the media.


In the logic section, you can define the branching logic for the block to customize the survey flow based on different responses. After defining the logic, respondents will be directed to the block as per the configuration in the branching logic.

For example, in the screenshot above, we have added logic to direct the respondent to the "Thank You" page after viewing the image. You can similarly redirect them to any block in the survey.

Media Insights Block in Decode

In this article, we will guide you through the process of copying a quantitative study in Decode.

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will be directed to the dashboard. From the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on the "Library" icon.

Step 2: After clicking on the Library option, you will arrive at the home screen of the Library. Here, you will see a repository of all the studies conducted.

Step 3: To copy a study, hover over the study card. You will find a "Copy" icon; click on this icon, and you will receive a pop-up message to proceed further or discard the action.

Step 4: Click on the "Duplicate" button, and you will receive a toaster message indicating the progress of the study duplication.

Step 5: Once the duplication process is complete, you will find the copied study in the Library with the word "Duplicate" added to the study name after the original study name.

How to take a Survey on Decode?


With Media Insights in Decode, you can gain valuable insights into how your respondents engage with different types of media, helping you make informed decisions and improve your product or service. Whether you're conducting market research, user testing, or gathering feedback on your product, Media Insights allows you to present a variety of media formats to your respondents and analyze their responses later.

In this article, we'll provide an overview of the Media Insights question block and guide you through the process of adding media to your question block and analyzing the responses you receive.

Under the Media Insights section, you can add the following blocks:

  • Upload Media
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Image Upload

Let's explore these blocks in detail:

Upload Media: With this feature, you can upload a video file to your survey. Respondents will watch the video, and their responses will be gathered using the selected technologies. Users can upload media from their local systems. Supported media formats are mp4, MOV, jpeg, png, and jpg. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

YouTube: You can add a video from YouTube by pasting a public access link into the URL section and clicking the upload button. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

Vimeo: Users can add a publicly accessible URL from the Vimeo platform. To add the URL, copy it from Vimeo, paste it into the URL section, and click the upload button. While uploading, progress will be visible on the screen to indicate the media upload status. Once the media is uploaded, you will be able to preview it.

Image Upload: With this feature, you can upload an image file to your survey and ask respondents to provide feedback on the image while capturing their emotions and eye gaze. Supported image formats are jpg, png, and svg. The maximum supported image size is 20MB. You can view and move the slider to set the duration for which the image will be displayed, with increments of 1 second.

Properties of the Media Insights Block

  • Category: You can specify the group where your media belongs. This will help in comparing the overall score of your media with other media in the same category. To select the category, click on the field name and choose from the dropdown.
  • Subcategory: This is a subordinate category of the main category. Use this option to specify the exact group your media belongs to.
  • Tracking Technology: This feature allows you to choose how you want to track respondents' behavior. You can select the following technologies:some text
    • Facial Coding: This can be used to analyze the facial emotions of respondents while watching the media. For this tracking type, the camera needs to be enabled at all times.

Eye Tracking: By selecting eye tracking, you will be able to capture the eye movement and gaze of the respondent while watching the media.

In-Context Testing in Decode

What is In-Context Testing on Decode?

In-context testing within Decode offers a dynamic way to experiment and evaluate your images and videos in a social media environment like Instagram, TikTok, etc. This feature allows you to simulate the appearance of your content within a social media post or ad format, complete with avatars, captions, and other relevant elements.

What do we offer?

Instagram Feed: Immerse your uploaded images and videos in an Instagram post setting to witness their appearance and feel within this popular social media environment.

Instagram Reels: Acknowledging the craze for Instagram Reels, we've introduced an Instagram Reel simulation. Here, you can upload your videos and see how they appear and perform within the Reel format on Instagram.

TikTok: Test your uploaded videos within a TikTok-like environment to understand their reception and effectiveness on this platform known for its unique video content.

How Does In-Context Testing Work?

When utilizing In-Context Testing on Decode, you can upload your images or videos directly into the testing block. The system then recreates an environment resembling an Instagram or TikTok post, embedding your content seamlessly. This simulation reflects how your media would look when presented as a post on the Instagram platform.

Why Use In-Context Testing?

  • Realistic Representation: Experience an accurate portrayal of your content within the social media-like setting, including the appearance of an avatar, captions, and more.
  • Visual Assessment: Evaluate the visual impact and overall aesthetics of your content in a simulated ad format, aiding in making informed decisions regarding its effectiveness.
  • Optimization and Adjustment: Test variations of images or videos to determine which performs best within the Instagram or TikTok framework. Make necessary adjustments before launching campaigns.

Key Features of In-Context Testing

1. Eye Tracking and Facial Coding

In addition to simulating your content within a social media app-like setting, Decode offers integrated eye-tracking and facial coding technologies. These provide valuable insights into viewer behaviour and emotional responses, offering a comprehensive understanding of audience engagement.

  • Heat Map and Transparency Map Analysis: Visualize areas of high and low attention on your content through a heat map, revealing where viewers focus their gaze the most.
  • Engagement Attention Graph: Graphical representation showcasing peaks and drops in audience engagement, aiding in identifying compelling and less engaging sections.
  • Emotion Analysis: Gain insights into the emotional responses elicited by your content, enabling adjustments to better resonate with your target audience.

2. Avatar Integration: Your content will be accompanied by an avatar, mimicking the typical user's presence, enhancing the realistic feel.

3. Caption Addition: Assess the impact of different captions or text overlays on your content to gauge audience engagement potential.

4. Format Validation: Ensure that your media aligns with the social media post format, helping you avoid unexpected cropping or sizing issues.

How to Use In-Context Testing

Upload Your Media: Simply upload your images or videos into the designated testing block within Decode.

Explore Simulated post: Instantly view how your content would appear within an Instagram or TikTok application.

Analyze and Optimize: Assess the visual impact, adjust captions or elements as necessary, and optimize your content for maximum effectiveness.

How to create an In-context test in Decode?

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will arrive at the dashboard.

Step 2: On the left navigation panel, click on the “+” icon to open the research page.

Step 3: On the Research page, from the left panel, expand the “Quantitative Study Templates” option by clicking on it and selecting the "In-Context Study" option from the list.

Step 4: Now, click on the “Start from Scratch” button to begin the study creation process.

Step 5: You will be redirected to the study's home page, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.

Step 6: Click on “+ Add New Block” from the navigation panel to add a new block. Look for the "In-Context" option at the bottom of the list, which allows you to simulate social media post behavior for your creatives.

You will find the following three blocks:

  • Insta Gaze: Immerse your uploaded images and videos in an Instagram post setting to witness their appearance and feel within this popular social media environment.
  • Insta Reel: Acknowledging the craze for Instagram Reels, this simulation allows you to upload your videos and see how they appear and perform within the Reel format on Instagram.
  • Tiptap: Test your uploaded videos within a TikTok-like environment to understand their reception and effectiveness on this platform known for its unique video content.

Step 7: After selecting the required in-context testing option, you'll reach the block update page. Here, you can either select the media file(s) you want to add to your study or drag and drop the media files.

Supported formats include:

  • For Instagram Feed: mp4, m4v, png, jpeg, jpg, and SVG.
  • For Instagram Reel and TikTok: mp4, m4v. Note: The maximum time limit for videos is 60 seconds.

Step 8: Once you've added the media, visualize how it appears in the Instagram environment. Customize various properties such as:

  • Setting the duration of the test.
  • Choosing whether the media file can be skipped or not.
  • Selecting whether the media file should be randomized.
  • Setting the category and subcategory of the media file.

Tracking technology options include:

  • Facial Coding: Gain deeper insights into emotional responses evoked by your content, revealing a range of sentiments expressed throughout the experience.
  • Eye Tracking: Understand precisely where respondents focus their attention and which elements within your creative content captivate their gaze.

Step 9: Save the changes by clicking on the “Save” button. Optionally, add survey questions to collect quantitative data. Once finished, publish the study.

Insights of In-context testing in Decode

In the Results section of in-context testing, you can analyze your study's performance metrics, including total views, average viewing time, drop-off rates, and emotional responses. Identify the most engaging and positively received media and access detailed analytics for attention, engagement, emotions, and eye-tracking heatmaps at the media level. This section provides valuable insights for optimizing content based on audience interactions.

Overview Summary

The overview page provides a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of your test's performance, offering the following key details:

  • Total Views: The cumulative count of instances where your content was entirely visible and thoroughly examined by viewers.
  • Average Time Spent: The average duration users spent engaging with the content.
  • Drop-off Rate: The percentage of users who disengaged or exited the test.

Top Performers

Discover the most impactful aspects of your test through:

  • Best Positive Displayed: Identifies the creative that generated the most positive user responses.
  • Maximum Engagement: Creative that secured the highest user engagement.

Creative Section

Explore the comprehensive list of all creatives that underwent testing. For detailed analytics at the creative level, click on the “View Creative” button corresponding to the desired creative.

Creative Level Analytics

Dive deeper into individual creatives' performance with detailed second-by-second analysis, particularly for video content. The creative level analytics section presents various insightful graphs.

Note: Use the dropdown to view particular graphs.

  • Attention and Engagement Graph: Visualizes user attention and engagement levels throughout the duration of the creative.
  • Emotion Distribution Graph: Illustrates the emotional responses exhibited by viewers across different sections of the creative.
  • Eye-Tracking Data Insights: Provides valuable insights derived from eye-tracking technology, including:some text
    • Heatmap: A visual representation showcasing areas of highest visual focus within the creative.
    • Transparency Map: Detailed insights into user gaze patterns and attention distribution.

Creating a Website In-Context Test in Decode

Decode introduces an innovative feature for advertisers and researchers: In-Context Testing tailored specifically for ads on news websites. This powerful tool enables advertisers to simulate and evaluate their advertisements within the context of a news website, gaining essential insights into ad performance and resonance with the audience.

Creating a Website In-Context test in Decode

Step 1: Once you log in to your Decode account, you will arrive at the dashboard.

Step 2: On the left navigation panel, click on the “+” icon to open the research page.

Step 3: On the Research page, from the left panel, expand the “Quantitative Study Templates” option by clicking on it and selecting the "In-Context Study" option from the list.

Step 4: Click on the “Start from Scratch” button or choose from the predefined templates to begin the study creation process.

Step 5: You will be redirected to the study's home page, which you can customize and use as an introduction page for your study.

Step 6: Click on “+ Add New Block” from the navigation panel to add a new block. Look for the "In-Context Website" option at the bottom of the list, which allows you to simulate news website behavior for your creatives.

Step 7: Once you select the "News" option, you will arrive at the creation page. Here, you will find different pages of the news website provided by Decode to place your ads. Select any page to place your ads.

Step 8: After selecting the page, you can start placing your ads in the news website layout. Click on the "Ad" placeholder to add a banner ad. You can also add different sections to the website and place your ads there.

Step 9: On the right-hand side, you will find the property panel, where you can define various options:

  • Device Type: Choose where you want to test the website, i.e., Mobile or Desktop.
  • Setting the Duration of the Test.
  • Choosing Whether the Block File Can Be Skipped or Not.
  • Setting the Category and Subcategory of the Media File.

Tracking technology options include:

  • Facial Coding: Gain deeper insights into emotional responses evoked by your ads.
  • Eye Tracking: Understand precisely where respondents focus their attention and which elements within your ads captivate their gaze.
  • Mouse Click Tracking: Capture the clicks made by users on the ad.

Step 10: Save the changes by clicking on the “Save” button. Optionally, add survey questions to collect quantitative data. Once finished, publish the study.

Insights of Website Incontext testing in Decode

In the Results section of website in-context testing, you can analyze your study's performance metrics, including total complete and partial views, total interactions with the ads, and average time spent data. Identify the most engaging and positively received ads and access detailed analytics for attention, engagement, emotions, and eye-tracking heatmaps at the ad level. This section provides valuable insights for optimizing content based on audience interactions.

Overview Summary

The overview page provides a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of your test's performance, offering the following key details:

  • Total Views in 100: The cumulative count of instances where an advertisement was entirely visible and thoroughly examined by viewers.
  • Total Views in 50: Number of times the ad was partially visible. (If the ad is placed at the bottom, and users have not scrolled fully to view the ad, only some sections of the ad are visible, and this will be counted as a partial view.)
  • Total Interaction: Number of times users clicked on the ads and interacted with the content.
  • Average Time Spent: The average duration users spent engaging with the ads.

Top Performers

Discover the most impactful aspects of your test through:

  • Best Positive Displayed: Identifies the ad that generated the most positive user responses.
  • Maximum Engagement: Ad that secured the highest user engagement.
  • Maximum Interaction: Ads that received the maximum number of clicks.

Creative Section

Explore the comprehensive list of all creatives that underwent testing. For detailed analytics at the creative level, click on the “View Creative” button corresponding to the desired creative.


  1. Total Views: Average of Total Views in 50 and Total Views in 100. Calculation: (Total Views in 50) + (Total Views in 100) / 2
  2. Total Views in 50: Average of the number of times the ad was viewed partially by users. Calculation: (Viewer 1 * number of times viewed the ad partially) + (Viewer 2 * number of times viewed the ad partially) + … / Total number of viewers
  3. Total Views in 100: Average of the number of times the ad was viewed in full by users. Calculation: (Viewer 1 * number of times viewed the ad in full) + (Viewer 2 * number of times viewed the ad in full) + … / Total number of viewers
  4. Total Interaction: Average clicks made by users on the ad. Calculation: (Number of clicks by Viewer 1) + (Number of clicks by Viewer 2) + … / Total number of viewers
  5. Dominant Emotions: Emotion displayed the most by users.

Attention and Engagement Graph

It provides the viewer's second-by-second attention and engagement scores. The chart is presented as a line graph; hovering over the timelines will display scores for that second.

Emotion Graph

This graph provides information about the respondent's emotions throughout the media. It displays the emotions respondents exhibit at specific seconds while watching the ad.

Heatmap and Transparency Map

  • Heatmap: A visual representation of areas most viewed by respondents. It uses a gradient to highlight areas with higher visual focus, with brighter colors indicating more frequent viewing.
  • Transparency Map: Plots gaze points on top of the media, making areas with higher gaze points transparent to reveal attention distribution.

Insights Download

You can also download the insights in CSV format. The downloaded format includes metrics, definitions, units of measurement, and other important details.

  • Media Level Download CSV: Includes data for all the media and metrics.
  • Tester Level Download CSV: Includes tester-wise data for all metrics and ads.