Qatalyst Live App Testing: Get Insights Into How Users Navigate Your App

Upload your app link, define your user journey, and gather valuable user feedback effortlessly.

Trusted by over 150+ brands worldwide
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What Sets Qatalyst Live App Testing Apart?

User Journey Maps

Visualize how users move through your app through user journey maps to identify potential bottlenecks.

Seamless Testing

Conduct no-code app testing, making it accessible and user-friendly for non-technical users.

Detailed Insights

Get detailed insights with a page-by-page analysis to pinpoint specific areas of interest and improvement.

Real-Time User Feedback

Receive immediate feedback on user interactions to quickly address issues and optimize the user experience.

User Emotion & Behavior

Understand the emotional responses of your audience to create impactful experiences.

User Journey Maps

Visualize how users move through your app through user journey maps to identify potential bottlenecks.

Seamless Testing

Conduct no-code app testing, making it accessible and user-friendly for non-technical users.

Detailed Insights

Get detailed insights with a page-by-page analysis to pinpoint specific areas of interest and improvement.

Real-Time User Feedback

Receive immediate feedback on user interactions to quickly address issues and optimize the user experience.

User Emotion & Behavior

Understand the emotional responses of your audience to create impactful experiences.

User Journey Maps

Visualize how users move through your app through user journey maps to identify potential bottlenecks.

Seamless Testing

Conduct no-code app testing, making it accessible and user-friendly for non-technical users.

Detailed Insights

Get detailed insights with a page-by-page analysis to pinpoint specific areas of interest and improvement.

Real-Time User Feedback

Receive immediate feedback on user interactions to quickly address issues and optimize the user experience.

User Emotion & Behavior

Understand the emotional responses of your audience to create impactful experiences.

Multilingual Support

Qatalyst Live App Testing Insights

Qatalyst Live App Testing Insights

Recording & Transcript

Automates the transcription and translation of app testing recordings in 100+ languages to improve time to insights.

ET Heatmap

The heatmap then shows the areas of the screen that received the most attention, with the hottest areas being those that were looked at the most.

Areas of Interest (AoI)

Allows users to define specific areas within their stimuli that need to be measured for their noticeability, earned attention, etc. Examples of such areas of interest can be a brand logo on a pack, the noticeability of a CTA, or a character in a video.

Emotion AI Metrics

Dive into the emotional resonance of your content with metrics that categorize user responses as positive and negative, allowing you to gauge the emotional impact of your app.

Journey Tree

Provides a hierarchical representation of user journeys, presenting a structured view of the paths users take as they navigate through the app, along with the dropped user count at the page level.

Average Time

This metric offers a glimpse into user engagement by tracking the average duration visitors spend on each page of the app. It serves as an indicator of user interest, interaction, and satisfaction with the provided content and usability.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Salient Features

No-code testing
Record from anywhere between 1 minute to 30 mins
Get transcriptions and translations for videos
Create tags and highlights
Compatible across all devices, operating systems, and browsers
Cloud-enabled, highly secure, and compliant with ISO, SOC, GDPR, and other relevant standards

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