Research Panel Calculator

Don’t have your own participants? Use our Research Panel Calculator to estimate the cost and feasibility of accessing targeted audiences for your studies. Simplify your planning and maximize research efficiency.

Number of Participants
Cost per response range: $2.80 - $5.00
Total cost range: $0.00 - $0.00

No of Participants

Number of Participants


Order summary

Cost per response range: $2.80 - $5.00
Total cost range: $0.00 - $0.00

A research panel is an invaluable asset in the world of market research

It consists of a pre-recruited group of participants who are ready to provide insights on various topics, products, or services. A research panel is important because it can deliver timely, accurate, and representative data, which is crucial for making informed business decisions. 

By leveraging a research panel, companies can tap into a consistent pool of respondents, reducing the time and cost associated with participant recruitment while ensuring high-quality feedback.

Research Panel Calculator

What is a Research Panel?

A research panel is a pre-selected group of individuals who have agreed to participate in surveys, interviews, or other forms of research over a specified period. 

These participants are recruited based on specific demographic or behavioral criteria, allowing researchers to gather consistent and reliable data from a targeted audience. Research panels are often used to gain insights into consumer opinions, behaviors, and trends, providing valuable information for decision-making in various industries.

A scenario where a research panel could be utilised

Imagine a company planning to launch a new line of eco-friendly household cleaning products. Before the launch, the company wants to understand consumer preferences, potential concerns, and willingness to pay for such products.

To gather this information, they can utilize a research panel composed of environmentally conscious consumers who regularly purchase cleaning products. By conducting surveys and focus groups with this panel, the company can obtain targeted insights into product features, pricing strategies, and marketing messages that resonate with this specific audience. 

This data helps the company refine its product offering and increase the likelihood of a successful launch.

When to Use a Market Research Panel?

A market research panel is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

Targeted Feedback

When you need insights from a specific demographic or customer segment, a research panel allows you to reach participants who match your criteria, ensuring that the feedback is relevant and actionable.

Longitudinal Studies

If you need to track changes in opinions, behaviors, or trends over time, a research panel provides a consistent group of respondents for longitudinal studies, making it easier to monitor developments.

Product Testing

Before launching a new product or service, using a research panel can help you gather early feedback, identify potential issues, and understand how your target market perceives the offering.

Quick Turnaround

When time is of the essence and you need fast responses, a research panel provides a pre-recruited audience ready to participate, speeding up the research process.

Cost Efficiency

For companies that conduct frequent research, maintaining a research panel can be more cost-effective than recruiting participants for each new study.

What Are the Different Types of Research Panel?

Research panels can be categorized into several types based on their composition, purpose, and the research needs they address. 

Here are some common types:

Consumer Panels

  • Composed of everyday consumers who provide insights on products, services, or market trends.
  • Use Case: Ideal for companies looking to understand consumer preferences, behaviors, and purchasing decisions.

B2B Panels

  • Made up of business professionals or decision-makers from specific industries or job roles.
  • Use Case: Useful for gathering insights on business products, services, or industry-specific trends.

Expert Panels

  • Consists of specialists or experts in a particular field who provide informed opinions or predictions.
  • Use Case: Employed for in-depth analysis, forecasting, or validating research findings.

Healthcare Panels

  • Includes patients, healthcare professionals, or caregivers who participate in studies related to health, medical products, or services.
  • Use Case: Essential for pharmaceutical research, medical device testing, or health-related consumer studies.

Customer Panels

  • Made up of a company's existing customers who provide feedback on products, services, or customer experience.
  • Use Case: Used for product development, customer satisfaction research, or loyalty programs.

Employee Panels

  • Consists of employees from within an organization who provide feedback on workplace conditions, policies, or corporate initiatives.
  • Use Case: Ideal for internal studies focused on improving employee engagement, productivity, or corporate culture.

Specialized Panels

  • Tailored panels designed to meet specific research needs, such as panels for specific age groups (e.g., millennials), hobbyists, or niche markets.
  • Use Case: Used when research requires feedback from a highly specific or hard-to-reach audience.

Omnibus Panels

  • These panels are multi-client, meaning multiple researchers can access the same group of respondents for different studies.
  • Use Case: Cost-effective solution for organizations looking to conduct research without the need to recruit their own panel.

How to Calculate a Research Panel Cost?

Calculating the cost of a research panel can be simplified into a few key steps:

Recruitment Costs

Estimate how much it will cost to find and recruit the participants you need, especially if they have specific qualities or are hard to find.


Determine how much you’ll need to offer participants to keep them engaged, like gift cards or cash rewards. Multiply this by the number of participants and the number of times you’ll need their input.

Management Costs

Consider the cost of managing the panel, whether through a software tool like Qatalyst or by manual effort. Include any subscription fees or administrative costs.

Survey Tools

Account for the cost of any tools you’ll use to collect data, like survey software or analysis programs.

Panel Maintenance

Plan for occasional costs to refresh or expand your panel by adding new participants or replacing inactive ones.

Total Cost

Add up all these costs to get the total amount you’ll need to run your research panel.

What Are the Advantages of Conducting a Research Panel?

Advantages of Conducting a Research Panel:

Advantages of Conducting a Research Panel
  • Access to Targeted Audiences
  • Consistency in Data Collection
  • Speed and Efficiency
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • High-Quality Data

Conducting a research panel offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance the quality and efficiency of market research. 

Here are some detailed benefits:

Access to Targeted Audiences

Research panels are typically composed of participants who match specific demographic, behavioral, or psychographic criteria. This allows researchers to gather insights from a highly relevant audience, ensuring that the data collected directly reflects the opinions and behaviors of the intended market segment. 

For example, if a company is launching a new fitness app, a panel of health-conscious individuals who regularly use fitness technology can provide valuable, targeted feedback.

Consistency in Data Collection

With a research panel, the same group of participants can be surveyed over time, making it easier to track changes in opinions, behaviors, or market trends. This consistency is particularly beneficial for longitudinal studies, where understanding how attitudes evolve is crucial. 

For example, tracking customer satisfaction with a product over multiple touchpoints can reveal important insights into product lifecycle and customer loyalty.

Speed and Efficiency

Since research panels consist of pre-recruited and engaged participants, the time needed to recruit respondents for each new study is significantly reduced. This allows companies to conduct research quickly, which is especially important in fast-moving industries where timely insights are critical for decision-making. 

For instance, in the tech industry, where product cycles are short, being able to quickly gather feedback can be the difference between a successful launch and a missed opportunity.


Maintaining a research panel can be more cost-effective than recruiting new participants for every individual study, especially if research is conducted frequently. The initial investment in building or accessing a panel pays off by reducing the recurring costs of recruitment, incentives, and administration. 

Additionally, the efficiency of conducting research with an existing panel can lower overall research expenses, providing a better return on investment.

High-Quality Data

Participants in a research panel are often more engaged and willing to provide thoughtful, detailed responses because they have opted in to participate in ongoing research. This commitment can lead to higher-quality data, as panelists are more likely to understand the importance of their input and provide accurate, reliable information.

Furthermore, the ability to screen and profile panel members ensures that the data collected is both relevant and trustworthy, leading to more actionable insights.

Maximize Your Research Potential with Qatalyst Panel Management

Maximize Your Research Potential with Qatalyst Panel Management

With Qatalyst, you can curate a dedicated group of participants who become your go-to audience for test sharing.

This ensures streamlined communication and highly targeted invitations, allowing you to gather precise feedback from the right individuals every time. By building and managing your custom panel, you can effortlessly engage with a consistent, reliable audience, making your research more efficient and effective.

What Sets Qatalyst Panel Management Apart?

  • Tailored Audience Curation: Empowers users to curate custom panels, ensuring individuals' selection precisely aligns with their research needs
  • Flexibility and Control: Enjoy unparalleled flexibility and control over their panels, allowing for seamless customization and adjustment
  • Access to a More Diverse Audience: Agility to access a larger audience, ensuring that your surveys reach individuals with various backgrounds, demographics, and interests
  • Efficiency and Speed: Allows you to find survey participants quickly and efficiently, saving you valuable time and resources
  • Invite Users Manually: Easily invite users with an invitation page or importing from your list; it's hassle-free

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Research Panel Calculator?

The Research Panel Calculator is a tool designed to help researchers estimate the cost and feasibility of accessing targeted audiences for their studies. It simplifies planning and maximizes research efficiency.

When should I consider using a research panel?

You should consider using a research panel when you need targeted feedback from specific demographics, conduct longitudinal studies, test products before launch, require quick turnaround for responses, or seek cost efficiency in frequent research.

What are the benefits of using a research panel?

Benefits include targeted feedback from specific demographics, the ability to conduct longitudinal studies, quick access to pre-recruited participants, cost efficiency for frequent research, and improved product testing and development.