Qatalyst Moderated: Engage and Understand Users Better

Unlock deeper user understanding and drive impactful decisions with real-time, AI-powered moderated testing across diverse, global audiences.

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What Sets Qatalyst Moderated Studies Apart?

Face Blur for Privacy

Ensure participant privacy with an advanced face blur feature, protecting identities while still capturing essential facial expressions and reactions during research sessions.

Mixed Method Research

Seamlessly integrate both qualitative and quantitative research methods, allowing for a comprehensive analysis that combines in-depth user feedback with statistical data.

Global Accessibility

Conduct research with global participants and translate conversations in over 120 languages, ensuring diverse and inclusive user insights.

User-Friendly Interface

Qatalyst offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for researchers to set up studies, manage participants, and analyze data efficiently, without the need for extensive training.

Face Blur for Privacy

Ensure participant privacy with an advanced face blur feature, protecting identities while still capturing essential facial expressions and reactions during research sessions.

Mixed Method Research

Seamlessly integrate both qualitative and quantitative research methods, allowing for a comprehensive analysis that combines in-depth user feedback with statistical data.

Global Accessibility

Conduct research with global participants and translate conversations in over 120 languages, ensuring diverse and inclusive user insights.

User-Friendly Interface

Qatalyst offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for researchers to set up studies, manage participants, and analyze data efficiently, without the need for extensive training.

Face Blur for Privacy

Ensure participant privacy with an advanced face blur feature, protecting identities while still capturing essential facial expressions and reactions during research sessions.

Mixed Method Research

Seamlessly integrate both qualitative and quantitative research methods, allowing for a comprehensive analysis that combines in-depth user feedback with statistical data.

Global Accessibility

Conduct research with global participants and translate conversations in over 120 languages, ensuring diverse and inclusive user insights.

User-Friendly Interface

Qatalyst offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for researchers to set up studies, manage participants, and analyze data efficiently, without the need for extensive training.

Multilingual Support

Qatalyst Moderated Insights

Qatalyst Moderated Insights

Facial Coding Metrics

Analyze participants' emotional responses during sessions using advanced AI to gain deeper understanding of their reactions and engagement levels.

Speaker Metrics

Track and evaluate individual metrics such as total talk time, max. monologue and filler words to identify speaking patterns and areas for improvement.

Areas of Interest

Identify and analyze specific sections of content that capture the most user attention and engagement during testing sessions.

Tags & Highlights

Easily mark and categorize important moments and comments during sessions for quick reference and streamlined analysis.

Transcription and Translation

Automatically generate accurate transcripts and translate them into multiple languages, ensuring comprehensive and accessible data for global research.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Emotion metrics

Capture positive, negative, and neutral emotions expressed to get insights into the focus and concentration levels of speakers.

Salient Features

Unlimited Testing
Combine with unmoderated studies to conduct mixed method research
Agile research practices
Unlimited studies 
Compatible across all devices, operating systems, and browsers. 
Cloud-enabled, highly secure, compliant with ISO, SOC, GDPR, and other relevant standards. 

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Experience why teams worldwide trust our Consumer & User Research solutions.

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