Qatalyst Features

What is a Library?

The Library section in Qatalyst is where all your studies are stored, making it easy to organize and access them. This dedicated space serves as a comprehensive repository, ensuring that your valuable research is stored securely and readily available whenever you need it.

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Here are some key features of Qatalyst's Library that you should know about:

One location for everything: A study can be in any state, i.e. active, draft, and closed, and it will be available in the library. This means that you can easily access studies that are still in progress or completed studies that you may want to revisit later. You can also filter studies based on their state, which makes it easier to find what you need.

Team Management: If you are added to different teams in Qatalyst, you can change the team name from the teams dropdown available at the top of the library page. This feature allows you to view the media and collection of the selected team. By selecting the appropriate team, you can easily access studies that are relevant to that team, even if they are stored under a different team name.

Study Creation: You can create a new study directly from the library page using the "Create Study" button. This button will redirect you to the research-creation page, where you can define the study's parameters, such as the type of study and the questions to be asked. This feature saves you time and effort, as you don't need to navigate through multiple pages to create a new study.

Organization: The library allows you to organize your studies into different collections, making it easier to find and manage them. You can create collections based on themes, projects, or other criteria that make sense to you. You can also move studies from one collection to another or rename collections as needed.

To access the library section, use the following path:

Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Library Icon"  at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the library page. Here you can access all the studies present in your workspace.

How to read a study card in Library?

For all the studies in Qatalyst Library, the study card has details that act as a quick snapshot of the information it contains.

1. Study Title:  As updated by the user, the study name is shown at the top of the study card. 

2. Response Count: For all the quantitative studies, this field shows the number of respondents who have taken the test.

3. The number of question blocks: This field shows the number of questions added to the study. The welcome page, error page and thank you page will be added by default in every quantitative study, so the number of questions added by the user can be calculated by subtracting these three blocks from the total number of question blocks.

4. Study Status: The current status of the study is shown here. A study can be in the following three stages: 

  • Green - Active: The study is live, and the respondents can take the test.
  • Yellow - Draft: The study has been created and saved for further editing. Orange - Closed: The study has been closed and cannot be republished or edited.

How to view your profile?

As a Qatalyst user, you can view and edit your profile information anytime. This privilege is given to the users irrespective of their roles. Follow these simple steps to view and update your profile information:


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

Step 3: Click on the "Profile" option from the left navigation panel. You will land on the profile page, where you will find all your profile information.

You can view the information and update also. 

View User List

As a Qatalyst user, you can view the list of other users in your workspace. This privilege is given to the admins, owner and editors. Follow these simple steps to view the list of users:


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

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Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here, you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

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Step 3: In the user list table, you will find the following headers:

  • Name: The user name of the users along with their email ids.
  • Date Joined: Date when they successfully signed up.
  • Last Active: Date when they last logged in.
  • Status: Weather the user profile is active, deactivated, or they are yet to accept the invite. 

Note: if the user has not yet accepted the invite, you can reshare the invite using the "Retry" button in the status section.

Step 4: To filter out the users on the basis of their roles, click on the "All Users" dropdown, and a list of all the roles will open. You can select any role from the list. After selection, only those users will appear.

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Step 5: If you click on your profile from the list, you will be taken to your profile page, where you find the information added to your profile. 

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You will also find a deactivate button at the bottom of this page. If you want to disable your profile click on this button.

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How to change user role?

The owner and Admins of a workspace have access to change the role of other users in the Workspace. Follow the below steps to change the role of other users.


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

Step 3: Click on any user card, and you will land on the user profile page.

Step 4: Click on the roles tab, and a list of roles will appear; you can select the role to change and click on the update button.

After the successful update, the role of the user will change.

Table of contents

What is a Library?

What is a Library?

The Library section in Qatalyst is where all your studies are stored, making it easy to organize and access them. This dedicated space serves as a comprehensive repository, ensuring that your valuable research is stored securely and readily available whenever you need it.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Here are some key features of Qatalyst's Library that you should know about:

One location for everything: A study can be in any state, i.e. active, draft, and closed, and it will be available in the library. This means that you can easily access studies that are still in progress or completed studies that you may want to revisit later. You can also filter studies based on their state, which makes it easier to find what you need.

Team Management: If you are added to different teams in Qatalyst, you can change the team name from the teams dropdown available at the top of the library page. This feature allows you to view the media and collection of the selected team. By selecting the appropriate team, you can easily access studies that are relevant to that team, even if they are stored under a different team name.

Study Creation: You can create a new study directly from the library page using the "Create Study" button. This button will redirect you to the research-creation page, where you can define the study's parameters, such as the type of study and the questions to be asked. This feature saves you time and effort, as you don't need to navigate through multiple pages to create a new study.

Organization: The library allows you to organize your studies into different collections, making it easier to find and manage them. You can create collections based on themes, projects, or other criteria that make sense to you. You can also move studies from one collection to another or rename collections as needed.

To access the library section, use the following path:

Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Library Icon"  at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the library page. Here you can access all the studies present in your workspace.

How to read a study card in Library?

How to read a study card in Library?

For all the studies in Qatalyst Library, the study card has details that act as a quick snapshot of the information it contains.

1. Study Title:  As updated by the user, the study name is shown at the top of the study card. 

2. Response Count: For all the quantitative studies, this field shows the number of respondents who have taken the test.

3. The number of question blocks: This field shows the number of questions added to the study. The welcome page, error page and thank you page will be added by default in every quantitative study, so the number of questions added by the user can be calculated by subtracting these three blocks from the total number of question blocks.

4. Study Status: The current status of the study is shown here. A study can be in the following three stages: 

  • Green - Active: The study is live, and the respondents can take the test.
  • Yellow - Draft: The study has been created and saved for further editing. Orange - Closed: The study has been closed and cannot be republished or edited.

How to view your profile?

How to view your profile?

As a Qatalyst user, you can view and edit your profile information anytime. This privilege is given to the users irrespective of their roles. Follow these simple steps to view and update your profile information:


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

Step 3: Click on the "Profile" option from the left navigation panel. You will land on the profile page, where you will find all your profile information.

You can view the information and update also. 

View User List

View User List

As a Qatalyst user, you can view the list of other users in your workspace. This privilege is given to the admins, owner and editors. Follow these simple steps to view the list of users:


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here, you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Step 3: In the user list table, you will find the following headers:

  • Name: The user name of the users along with their email ids.
  • Date Joined: Date when they successfully signed up.
  • Last Active: Date when they last logged in.
  • Status: Weather the user profile is active, deactivated, or they are yet to accept the invite. 

Note: if the user has not yet accepted the invite, you can reshare the invite using the "Retry" button in the status section.

Step 4: To filter out the users on the basis of their roles, click on the "All Users" dropdown, and a list of all the roles will open. You can select any role from the list. After selection, only those users will appear.

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Step 5: If you click on your profile from the list, you will be taken to your profile page, where you find the information added to your profile. 

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You will also find a deactivate button at the bottom of this page. If you want to disable your profile click on this button.

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How to change user role?

How to change user role?

The owner and Admins of a workspace have access to change the role of other users in the Workspace. Follow the below steps to change the role of other users.


Step 1: Once you log in to your Qatalyst account, you will be directed to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon at the left navigation panel, and you will be taken to the settings page. Here you can view the list of all the users in your workspace.

Step 3: Click on any user card, and you will land on the user profile page.

Step 4: Click on the roles tab, and a list of roles will appear; you can select the role to change and click on the update button.

After the successful update, the role of the user will change.