GOAT vs YOAT: The Faceoff of Eras, Decoded

Technology Used

Predictive AI

Predictive artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the use of machine learning to identify patterns in past events and make predictions about future events

To Measure Attention


These visualize areas of the image or video that are likely to capture the most attention and areas that may receive less attention using a VIBGYOR color gradient.

Fog maps are visual representations that highlight areas of a visual field or image where viewers experience low clarity or comprehension, indicating regions that may be confusing or unclear.

Fog Maps

It quantifies the level of attention drawn by an image or video, indicating the consensus on its most captivating elements. Images/videos with numerous intriguing components tend to score lower as attention disperses. Conversely, assets with fewer focal points garner higher scores as viewer gazes converge on specific areas.

Focus Score

Saliency Maps

Saliency Maps highlight sections that are likely to be viewed by your audience; this map will only show the areas which are viewed by the users.

Attention Score

It quantifies the overall interest the stimuli has received. It is calculated based on the intensity of heat maps. If there are more intense regions, the attention value will be higher.

To Measure Clarity & Engagement

Clarity Score

It tells you if your customers will easily understand your stuff or not. It helps you see how clear your message or visuals are, so you can make them better for your audience.

Area of Interest

Define specific regions within your content for an even deeper analysis of viewer engagement.

Second by Second Analysis

This offers users deeper insights, elevating research to a new level of advanced data analysis.

Detailed Analysis of the Ad

Overall Score


Summary Analysis

Suggestions for Improvement