Analyzing Best Ads of 2024 Using Predictive AI

Explore the in-depth analysis of the top 10 ads of 2024, where consumer behavior was predicted using Predictive AI.


Godi Yeshaswi



Technology Used

Predictive AI

Predictive artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the use of machine learning to identify patterns in past events and make predictions about future events

To Measure Attention


These visualize areas of the image or video that are likely to capture the most attention and areas that may receive less attention using a VIBGYOR color gradient.

Fog maps are visual representations that highlight areas of a visual field or image where viewers experience low clarity or comprehension, indicating regions that may be confusing or unclear.

Fog Maps

It quantifies the level of attention drawn by an image or video, indicating the consensus on its most captivating elements. Images/videos with numerous intriguing components tend to score lower as attention disperses. Conversely, assets with fewer focal points garner higher scores as viewer gazes converge on specific areas.

Focus Score

Saliency Maps

Saliency Maps highlight sections that are likely to be viewed by your audience; this map will only show the areas which are viewed by the users.

Attention Score

It quantifies the overall interest the stimuli has received. It is calculated based on the intensity of heat maps. If there are more intense regions, the attention value will be higher.

To Measure Clarity & Engagement

Clarity Score

It tells you if your customers will easily understand your stuff or not. It helps you see how clear your message or visuals are, so you can make them better for your audience.

Area of Interest

Define specific regions within your content for an even deeper analysis of viewer engagement.

Second by Second Analysis

This offers users deeper insights, elevating research to a new level of advanced data analysis.

Summary Analysis

The analysis of the top ads reveals a nuanced relationship between attention, focus, and clarity scores. The highest-ranking ad, "Cadbury - Yours for 200 Years," excels with an impressive Clarity Score of 84.30%, indicating a well-understood message, despite a moderate Focus Score of 69.38%, suggesting that the ad effectively concentrates viewers' attention on key elements. The "Google - Dear Sydney Olympics" ad ranks second with strong Attention (49.13%) and Clarity (79.55%) scores, reflecting a well-received and clear message, though it lacks the focused intensity of the Cadbury ad. "Apple’s Flock" and "Amazon - Run a tighter ship" follow closely, with balanced scores across Attention and Clarity but slightly dispersed Focus Scores, indicating that while the ads are engaging and clear, the viewers' attention may be somewhat scattered across multiple elements. Notably, lower-ranking ads like "Coca-Cola X Marvel - Heroes" struggle with both Clarity and Focus, leading to a diminished impact despite capturing a significant amount of Attention. This suggests that while attention is crucial, the clarity and focus of the message play an essential role in the overall effectiveness of an ad.


Ad Name(Click on the Ad for Detailed Analysis)




Average Overall Score

Cadbury - Yours for 200 Years

Detailed Insights on Cadbury Ad Using Decode Focus

Yours for 200 Years: High Clarity Score indicates the message was clearly communicated, and the strong Focus Score shows that viewers' attention was well-directed. However, slightly lower Attention suggests the ad could benefit from more engaging elements to capture broader interest.

Google - Dear Sydney Olympics

Detailed Insights on Google Ad Using Decode Focus

Dear Sydney Olympics: This ad succeeded in drawing high attention with its engaging content and had a clear message, but the dispersed Focus Score indicates that the viewers' attention was spread across multiple elements, slightly diluting its impact.

Apple’s Flock

Detailed Insights on Apple Ad Using Decode Focus

The ad had a well-received message with a high Clarity Score, but the slightly scattered Focus Score suggests that while it captured attention, it didn't direct it as effectively to specific key elements.

Amazon - Run a tighter ship

Detailed Insights on Amazon Ad Using Decode Focus

Run a tighter ship: Strong Focus and Clarity Scores demonstrate effective communication and directed attention, but a lower Attention score indicates that the ad may not have been engaging enough to keep viewers fully interested throughout.

British Airways - Everywhere we go

Detailed Insights on British Airways Ad Using Decode Focus

Everywhere we go: The ad performed well in terms of clarity and focus, ensuring the message was understood, and attention was directed, but a slightly lower Attention score suggests it could have included more engaging visuals or elements.

KFC - Believe in Chicken

Detailed Insights on KFC Ad Using Decode Focus

Believe in Chicken: The ad was clear and focused, making the message easy to understand and attention well-directed, but it didn’t draw as much overall attention, possibly due to a lack of particularly engaging elements.

Nike - Winning isn’t for everyone

Detailed Insights on Nike Ad Using Decode Focus

Winning isn’t for everyone: While the ad was clear and moderately engaging, the slightly lower Focus Score indicates that attention was not as concentrated, which may have reduced its overall impact.

Lay’s David Beckham & Thierry Henry

Detailed Insights on Lays Ad Using Decode Focus

Lay’s David Beckham & Thierry Henry: The ad had a high Attention score due to engaging content, but the lower Clarity and Focus Scores suggest that the message may have been less clear, and attention was not as well-directed, leading to a weaker overall impact.

IKEA - Don’t try this at home

Detailed Insights on IKEA Ad Using Decode Focus

Don’t try this at home: Despite a high Focus Score, indicating directed attention, the ad struggled with clarity, leading to less effective communication of its message and resulting in lower overall performance.

Coca-Cola X Marvel - Heroes

Detailed Insights on Coca-Cola Ad Using Decode Focus

Heroes: This ad had high Attention due to its engaging content, but low Clarity and Focus Scores suggest that the message was unclear, and attention was not effectively concentrated, leading to the lowest overall impact.

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