Affect Lab: A DIY Insights Platform powered by Emotion AI

Entropik Tech's webinar on Affect Lab, a DIY insights platform powered by emotion AI, provides an overview of the company's emotion AI-powered research platform.


Lava Kumar, CPO and Founder, Entropik Tech.


February 23, 2023

DIY is the mantra today. Entropik Tech is empowering researchers to conduct their market research and testing projects right from the comfort of their seat. You no longer have to look out for research agencies to conduct your projects. Cut out the back and forth with research agencies that requires a lot of follow ups. Now you can log into Entropik Tech's Affect Lab plaform, create a project, choose your audience from the available panel of 60 million users across 120 countries, and launch your project. Watch this 30 minute on-demand webinar that was presented by Lava Kumar, CPO and Founder of Entropik Tech at GreenBook's Insights Tech Showcase.

  1. Introduction to Emotion AI.
  2. Demo of Affect Lab platform with live example.