Decode enabled an American multinational fast food restaurant chain save 32% on per study costs.

An American fast-food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken with over 30,000 locations globally in 150 countries.​




Decode Media
Emotion AI
Behavior AI
Generative AI


5 countries
Timeline: 10 days/study
15 + campaign creatives​

“We have been working with Entropik for more than a year, and their insights based on Facial Coding and Eye Tracking technology have helped us optimize and take better creative decisions.”​

- Deputy Brand Manager, Insights.​​


The American fast-food chain has invested heavily in creating video and image ads targeted at specific demographics, spending over $10 million/year on media and advertising.  However, their traditional methods of gauging consumer response, such as surveys and A/B testing without Facial coding & Eye-tracking, have provided biased insights. This has led to the release of media campaigns that haven't resonated with their target audiences. They want to understand how their intended audience perceives their media. They want to move beyond their current ineffective methods and find a way to measure consumer behavior faster with unbiased insights.​

Problem Statement


It required a duration of 6-7 weeks to gather insights from various media files and a substantial target demographic.​

Granularity & Actionability​

Their media research, currently conducted by agencies, focuses solely on A/B outcomes, lacking depth and actionable insights into media performance.​

Integrated Platform​

They engage in both Quant & Qual research through various platforms and agencies, leading to fragmented management of their research efforts. ​

Unbiased Insights​

They got biased insights and struggled to understand their audience's media behavior. They sought facial coding and eye-tracking technology to obtain unbiased insights.​

Here’s How we helped them


Creative Optimization – Identified engagement, emotional impact, notability, and parts of the video that had high or low attention, aiding to optimal creatives.​


Marketing Decision Making –Facilitated A/B testing of creatives with benchmarking scores and audience segmentation feeding to the media plan.​



The Impact Experienced

4X Faster

Time to insights per study was cut down from 6-7 weeks to 12 days, leading to faster insights and savings in research costs.​​

Research Agility​

Multi-geo adoption across 5 countries and multi-language processing capabilities.​​

Cost Saving​

Per-study cost savings on media testing was 32%, opening doors for a better ROI and scalability​​

Decode enabled an American multinational fast food restaurant chain save 32% on per study costs.

An American fast-food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken with over 30,000 locations globally in 150 countries.​




Decode Media
Emotion AI
Behavior AI
Generative AI


5 countries
Timeline: 10 days/study
15 + campaign creatives​

Fast Food Restaurant Chain

“We have been working with Entropik for more than a year, and their insights based on Facial Coding and Eye Tracking technology have helped us optimize and take better creative decisions.”​

- Deputy Brand Manager, Insights.​​


The American fast-food chain has invested heavily in creating video and image ads targeted at specific demographics, spending over $10 million/year on media and advertising.  However, their traditional methods of gauging consumer response, such as surveys and A/B testing without Facial coding & Eye-tracking, have provided biased insights. This has led to the release of media campaigns that haven't resonated with their target audiences. They want to understand how their intended audience perceives their media. They want to move beyond their current ineffective methods and find a way to measure consumer behavior faster with unbiased insights.​

Problem Statement


It required a duration of 6-7 weeks to gather insights from various media files and a substantial target demographic.​

Granularity & Actionability​

Their media research, currently conducted by agencies, focuses solely on A/B outcomes, lacking depth and actionable insights into media performance.​

Integrated Platform​

They engage in both Quant & Qual research through various platforms and agencies, leading to fragmented management of their research efforts. ​

Unbiased Insights​

They got biased insights and struggled to understand their audience's media behavior. They sought facial coding and eye-tracking technology to obtain unbiased insights.​

Here’s How we helped them


Creative Optimization – Identified engagement, emotional impact, notability, and parts of the video that had high or low attention, aiding to optimal creatives.​


Marketing Decision Making –Facilitated A/B testing of creatives with benchmarking scores and audience segmentation feeding to the media plan.​



The Impact Experienced

4X Faster

Time to insights per study was cut down from 6-7 weeks to 12 days, leading to faster insights and savings in research costs.​​

Research Agility​

Multi-geo adoption across 5 countries and multi-language processing capabilities.​​

Cost Saving​

Per-study cost savings on media testing was 32%, opening doors for a better ROI and scalability​​