An American multinational CPG company saved 2 hours of analysis time for every 1-hour interview

An American multinational packaged consumer goods company, with products sold in over 180 countries.


Consumer Brands


Voice AI
Gen AI


7 brand managers
40-50 hours of interviews/month
100 hours of productivity savings/ month


One of the key levers of growth for CPG brands is the pace of innovation. An imperative piece of puzzle towards the goal is to understand a consumer, holistically. Brand managers of the company are tasked with conducting in-depth interviews (IDIs) and visiting customers to grasp their behavior. Each manager typically conducts 5-6 one-hour interviews per month. However, the manual note-taking process from these interviews poses a significant hurdle in synthesizing the findings into presentation materials. In lack of this, the data sits in silos and isn’t utilized to build cohesive consumer understanding

Problem Statement

Loss of Productivity

Running the interviews on Teams and Zoom became unorganized and leaded to productivity loss while setting up and scheduling meetings.

TIme Consuming

Analysing the interviews were time consuming. Also, going back into each of these interviews and gather notes to assimilate for all users was a big task.

Cross-time Disconnect

Hard to collaborate with other teams on the findings leading to lack of proof-based insights.

Data Overload

Source data is usually lost as it becomes massive files to refer back to.

Multi Language Barrier

Communicating effectively across different languages became a massive challenge.

Here’s How we helped them


Decode Qual Platform

A multi tenant platform to run seamless consumer interviews supporting multi language conversation and legally complied for Enterprise.


Voice AI

Multi language transcription in 58 languages and translation in 130 languages. Voice tonality based sentiment analysis to understand what is said and how it is said.


Gen AI

AI-powered summaries and tags streamlined data processing. Reference highlights, captured key interview segments, which saved time during review.


Co Pilot

Gen AI based research assistant to mine deep dive insights cutting across interviews & files.

The Impact Experienced

ROI on Tool Spend

9X ROI on tool spend to productivity savings.

Saved Time

Saved 2 hours of analysis time for every 1-hour interview, saving a total of 100s of hoursof productivity gain.

Richer Insights

Gather holistic insights that cover both quantitative and qualitative aspects comprehensively.

Better Decision Making

Improved understanding of consumer trends leading to better decision-making.

An American multinational CPG company saved 2 hours of analysis time for every 1-hour interview

An American multinational packaged consumer goods company, with products sold in over 180 countries.


Consumer Brands


Voice AI
Gen AI


7 brand managers
40-50 hours of interviews/month
100 hours of productivity savings/ month

Qualitative Case Study


One of the key levers of growth for CPG brands is the pace of innovation. An imperative piece of puzzle towards the goal is to understand a consumer, holistically. Brand managers of the company are tasked with conducting in-depth interviews (IDIs) and visiting customers to grasp their behavior. Each manager typically conducts 5-6 one-hour interviews per month. However, the manual note-taking process from these interviews poses a significant hurdle in synthesizing the findings into presentation materials. In lack of this, the data sits in silos and isn’t utilized to build cohesive consumer understanding

Problem Statement

Loss of Productivity

Running the interviews on Teams and Zoom became unorganized and leaded to productivity loss while setting up and scheduling meetings.

TIme Consuming

Analysing the interviews were time consuming. Also, going back into each of these interviews and gather notes to assimilate for all users was a big task.

Cross-time Disconnect

Hard to collaborate with other teams on the findings leading to lack of proof-based insights.

Data Overload

Source data is usually lost as it becomes massive files to refer back to.

Multi Language Barrier

Communicating effectively across different languages became a massive challenge.

Here’s How we helped them


Decode Qual Platform

A multi tenant platform to run seamless consumer interviews supporting multi language conversation and legally complied for Enterprise.


Voice AI

Multi language transcription in 58 languages and translation in 130 languages. Voice tonality based sentiment analysis to understand what is said and how it is said.


Gen AI

AI-powered summaries and tags streamlined data processing. Reference highlights, captured key interview segments, which saved time during review.


Co Pilot

Gen AI based research assistant to mine deep dive insights cutting across interviews & files.

The Impact Experienced

ROI on Tool Spend

9X ROI on tool spend to productivity savings.

Saved Time

Saved 2 hours of analysis time for every 1-hour interview, saving a total of 100s of hoursof productivity gain.

Richer Insights

Gather holistic insights that cover both quantitative and qualitative aspects comprehensively.

Better Decision Making

Improved understanding of consumer trends leading to better decision-making.