Chief Marketing Officers and their Role in Consumer Research

Get into the mind of a Chief Marketing Officer and understand how they navigate the ever-evolving consumer research industry through this article.


Kham Chakhap


January 24, 2024


A seasoned Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is no stranger to the challenges of staying ahead in an evolving market. According to Forbes, there are two major challenges in traditional research methods:

  1. They are not always actionable, and
  2. People lie.

These two challenges makes these methods unreliable, leading brands to struggle in keeping pace with the dynamic shifts in consumer behavior and market trends. How do you overcome this challenge and lead your company to thrive in a landscape where change is the only constant?

CMOs are placing a strong emphasis on customer experience, and market research helps in understanding customer needs & preferences. According to a survey by Salesforce, 84% of marketing leaders believe that improving customer experience is a key growth strategy. This is where the evolution of the CMO's role comes into play, and at the heart of this transformation lies the integration of research with new-age technologies like Insights AI. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the changing landscape of CMO responsibilities, the pain points they face, and how Insights AI technologies are transforming the field of market research.

Understanding the Chief Marketing Officer

If you've ever wondered, "What does a CMO do?" you're not alone. The role of a Chief Marketing Officer is broad and encompasses various aspects of a company's strategy. At its core, the role of a CMO includes developing and executing marketing initiatives that drive growth, enhance brand value, and connect with consumers. This involves understanding the market, identifying target audiences, and creating campaigns that resonate with consumers. CMOs are often the architects of a company's brand image and ensure it remains consistent across all channels. 

CMOs are also tasked with staying ahead of market trends and emerging technologies, constantly seeking innovative ways to reach and engage with consumers. This adaptability is crucial in an era where consumer behavior is rapidly evolving, influenced by factors such as technology, social media, and global events.

Chief Marketing Officer Responsibilities

To gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of a CMO, it is essential to break down their key roles:

Strategic Leadership: CMOs provide strategic leadership in crafting marketing plans that align with the overall business strategy. They are responsible for setting marketing objectives, defining target markets, and allocating resources to achieve desired outcomes.

Brand Management: CMOs oversee the development and maintenance of a strong brand identity. This includes managing brand messaging and visuals and ensuring a consistent brand experience across all consumer touchpoints.

Market Research: A critical aspect of a CMO's role is to conduct thorough market research. This involves analyzing consumer behavior, identifying market trends, and assessing competitive landscapes. Insights gathered from market research guide decision-making and help shape effective marketing strategies.

Customer Engagement: CMOs focus on building and maintaining strong relationships with customers. This involves creating campaigns that resonate with target audiences, leveraging social media for engagement, and implementing customer feedback mechanisms.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: In the digital age, data plays a pivotal role in marketing. CMOs utilize data analytics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, understand consumer preferences, and make informed decisions that drive results.


CMOs in the Age of Insights AI

Before we dive into the subject, let’s understand the term Insights AI in consumer research. The market research industry as a whole is transforming with the advent of new tools and technologies coming into the picture, and Insights AI is at the forefront of the changes. Entropik defines Insights AI as a set of technologies and techniques used to get insights from data using AI. It includes technologies like Facial Coding, Eye Tracking, Voice AI, and Generative AI.

As technologies like the above continue to reshape industries, the role of CMOs is evolving in tandem. Insights AI technologies have become integral for CMOs in research, offering advanced capabilities in data analysis and consumer behavior understanding. Let's explore how these technologies are transforming the landscape of consumer research and the role of CMOs:

Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making: CMOs are leveraging Insights AI technologies to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This allows for real-time insights into consumer behavior and preferences. With advanced analytics, CMOs can make data-driven decisions that enhance the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Anticipating Trends and Patterns: Insights AI enables CMOs to anticipate market trends and consumer preferences. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, CMOs can proactively adjust marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving consumer demands.

Enhanced Customer Experiences: AI-driven technologies enable CMOs to gauge consumer sentiment towards their brand or products. Understanding the emotional aspects of consumer interactions helps CMOs tailor campaigns that resonate with the audience on a deeper level, fostering brand affinity.

Operational Efficiency: Automation tools powered by AI streamline repetitive tasks, allowing CMOs to focus on strategic decision-making. From email marketing automation to social media scheduling, these tools enhance operational efficiency, freeing up time for CMOs to concentrate on high-impact initiatives.

CMO in Business: Insights AI Benefits

The business landscape is ever-evolving, and adaptation is the key to surviving. This makes Insights AI not just a trend but a necessity to navigate and understand the modern market and stay competitive.

The CMO roles and responsibilities in business are expanding to include a deep understanding of AI technologies and their applications in marketing. While traditional skills such as creativity and strategic thinking remain crucial, proficiency in data analytics and AI-driven insights is becoming equally important. The synergy between CMOs and Insights AI technologies is evident in several areas:

Enhanced Customer Segmentation: AI enables CMOs to segment customers more precisely based on their behaviors, preferences, and demographics. This refined segmentation allows for targeted marketing efforts, ensuring that messages resonate with specific audience segments.

Optimized Advertising Spend: AI-driven analytics provide CMOs with the ability to optimize advertising spends by identifying the most effective channels, media, and ads. This ensures that resources are allocated where they yield the highest return on investment, maximizing the impact of marketing budgets.

Research Optimization: Traditional marketing research often relies on post-study analysis for optimization. With AI, CMOs can optimize research in real time, making adjustments based on immediate feedback and metrics. This agility is invaluable in a fast-paced digital landscape.

Competitive Intelligence: Insights AI technologies empower CMOs with competitive intelligence, allowing them to monitor competitors' activities and adjust strategies accordingly. By staying informed about industry trends and competitive benchmarks, CMOs can make informed decisions to maintain a competitive edge.


With rapid changes in the digital domain and the market research space, the role of Chief Marketing Officers continuously evolves. There is a shift in focus and priorities from traditional methods of research to newer, more accurate technologies and processes. Roughly 80% of CMOs are planning to increase their organization’s spending on AI and data for 2024.

As a CMO, being in the AI era means not just adapting to change but leading it. Harnessing the power of technology to connect with consumers on a deeper level, anticipating market trends, and making data-driven decisions are what can make or break a successful business. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Chief Marketing Officer do?

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a key executive responsible for overseeing and managing an organization's marketing efforts. Their role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including developing and executing marketing strategies, conducting market research, overseeing advertising and promotional activities, and ensuring brand consistency. CMOs play a crucial role in driving brand awareness, customer acquisition, and overall business growth through effective marketing initiatives.

Is CMO higher than CEO?

No, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is not higher than the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the traditional organizational hierarchy. The CEO is typically the top executive responsible for the overall leadership and strategic direction of the entire company. The CMO, on the other hand, focuses specifically on marketing functions. While both roles are crucial, the CEO holds the highest position and has a broader scope of responsibilities that extend beyond marketing, encompassing overall business operations and decision-making.

Is CMO a high position?

Yes, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is considered a high-level executive position within an organization. CMOs play a pivotal role in shaping a company's market presence, influencing its brand image, and driving revenue through effective marketing strategies. The importance of marketing in today's business landscape has elevated the status of the CMO, making it a key position in the executive leadership team. CMOs often collaborate closely with other C-suite executives, contributing to the overall strategic direction and success of the company.


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Author Bio

As an intrepid explorer of both physical and intellectual realms, Kham seeks to unravel the intricacies of the human experience and merge them with the transformative power of AI. On odd days, she can be found wandering around trying to find that elusive scenic and quiet café where she can sip on matchas and get lost in the written word.

Kham Chakhap

Product Marketing Specialist


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