Customer Effort Score: Definition, Examples, Tips

A great customer score can lead to dedicated, engaged customers who can end up being loyal advocates of your brand. Here's what you need to know about it.


Aishwarya N K


July 14, 2024

Studies show that reducing customer effort can lead to a whopping 94% chance of customers repurchasing or renewing their subscriptions. And when a customer is satisfied with their interaction with a company, they are more likely to become loyal advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and enhancing the company’s reputation.  

This highlights the critical importance of measuring and optimizing the Customer Effort Score (CES), a metric that directly correlates to customer satisfaction and loyalty. By understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to customer effort, companies can significantly improve their overall customer experience and drive sustainable growth.

What is a customer effort score?

A Customer Effort Score (CES) is a metric used to measure the ease of a customer's experience with a company. It evaluates how much effort a customer has to exert to get an issue resolved, a product purchased, or a service used. Typically, CES is assessed through a survey asking customers to rate their experience on a scale, often from ‘very easy’ to ‘very difficult’. High CES indicates a smooth, hassle-free interaction, while a low score suggests the need for improvement in customer service or product usability. This metric helps companies identify and reduce friction points in the customer journey, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why should you calculate the customer effort score?

Identify friction points

Calculating the Customer Effort Score (CES) helps identify friction points in customer interactions. For instance, if customers find it difficult to navigate a website or contact customer support, a low CES score will highlight these issues. Addressing them can enhance the user experience, leading to increased satisfaction. For example, a software company might discover that users struggle with the installation process. Simplifying this process based on CES feedback can reduce customer effort, leading to higher adoption rates and fewer support calls.

Improve customer retention

A lower effort required for interactions often leads to higher customer retention. By calculating CES, companies can pinpoint areas where customers are experiencing difficulties and make necessary improvements. For example, if a telecommunications company finds that customers struggle with the billing process, simplifying it can lead to higher satisfaction and lower churn rates. High CES scores correlate with loyalty, as customers prefer brands that are easier to do business with, fostering long-term relationships.

Enhance customer loyalty and advocacy

Customers who find interactions with a company easy are more likely to become repeat buyers and advocates. By regularly calculating CES, businesses can ensure they are meeting customer expectations and maintaining a high standard of service. For example, an e-commerce platform might use CES to improve its checkout process, making it seamless and quick. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the platform to others, boosting word-of-mouth referrals and overall brand loyalty.

Drive operational efficiency

Understanding CES helps businesses streamline their operations. Lowering customer effort often means simplifying processes, which can lead to operational efficiencies. For example, a bank might use CES to assess the effort required for online banking transactions. By reducing unnecessary steps and improving the user interface, the bank can lower customer effort, leading to fewer customer service inquiries and more efficient operations. This not only benefits customers but also reduces operational costs.  

Increase competitive advantage

A company that consistently scores high on CES can differentiate itself from competitors. Customers value ease of interaction and are likely to choose a brand that minimizes their effort. For example, a travel agency with an easy-to-use booking system will likely attract more customers than competitors with cumbersome processes. By focusing on reducing customer effort, businesses can position themselves as customer-centric leaders in their industry, gaining a significant competitive edge.

Inform strategic decisions

CES provides valuable data that can inform strategic decisions across various departments. For instance, if a company notices that customers find the onboarding process cumbersome, it can allocate resources to improve this area. For a SaaS company, improving the onboarding process based on CES feedback can lead to quicker adoption and higher user satisfaction. By integrating CES into strategic planning, businesses can prioritize efforts that directly enhance the customer experience, ensuring that resources are effectively used to meet customer needs.

Enhance product development

CES insights can guide product development by highlighting areas where customers face difficulties. For example, if customers report high effort in using a particular feature, the product team can focus on redesigning it for better usability. A mobile app developer might use CES data to streamline navigation, making the app more intuitive and user-friendly. By continually refining products based on CES feedback, companies can create offerings that better meet customer expectations, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Optimize customer support

By measuring CES, companies can identify specific pain points in their customer support processes. For instance, if customers report high effort in getting their issues resolved, the company can improve support channels, such as by providing better training for support agents or implementing more efficient self-service options. A tech company might enhance its FAQ section based on CES feedback, making it easier for users to find solutions on their own. Optimizing customer support to reduce effort can lead to faster resolutions and happier customers.

What questions should you ask in a CES survey?

When designing a customer effort score survey, it's essential to ask clear, targeted questions to gain insights into how easy it is for customers to interact with your business. Here are some key questions you should include:  

Effort-based question:

How easy was it to complete your recent interaction with us?

This question directly measures the perceived ease or difficulty of a customer's experience. A simple scale (e.g., 1-7 or 1-5) can quantify their response, providing a clear metric for customer effort. For example, a rating of 1 might indicate a very easy experience, while a rating of 7 indicates a very difficult one.

Follow-up qualitative questions:

What did you find most challenging about this process?

This open-ended question allows customers to highlight specific pain points, providing qualitative data that can be used to identify and address particular issues. For example, a customer might mention that navigating the website was confusing, indicating a need for improved site design.

What can we do to make this process easier for you?

This question encourages customers to provide constructive feedback on how to enhance their experience. Their suggestions can offer valuable insights into practical improvements, such as adding more self-help options or simplifying the checkout process.

Experience-specific questions:

How much effort did it take to resolve your issue today?

Asking about the effort involved in resolving a specific issue helps pinpoint areas of friction in customer service. A high effort score might reveal problems in the support process, such as long wait times or ineffective solutions, prompting a review of support protocols.

On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to find the information you needed on our website?

This question targets the user experience on your website, identifying if customers can easily access the information they seek. For instance, if many customers rate this aspect poorly, it might indicate a need to enhance the site’s search functionality or information architecture.

Improvement suggestions:

What changes would improve your experience with our service/product?

This question solicits specific recommendations from customers, providing actionable insights that can guide enhancements. For example, if multiple customers suggest a more intuitive mobile app interface, this feedback can drive development priorities and user experience improvements.

By asking these questions, businesses can gather both quantitative and qualitative data, helping them understand and reduce customer effort, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Tips to improve the customer effort score

Streamline processes  

Simplify customer interactions by reducing unnecessary steps. For instance, implement one-click checkouts for online purchases, which allow customers to complete transactions quickly and effortlessly. Additionally, ensure that account creation and form-filling processes are straightforward and require minimal information. By making each step of the customer journey more efficient, you can significantly reduce the effort required, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhance self-service options  

Offer comprehensive self-service resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and chatbots. These tools empower customers to find solutions independently, reducing the need for contacting support. Make sure these resources are easily accessible and cover a wide range of common issues. Regularly update them based on customer feedback and emerging trends to ensure they remain relevant and helpful.

Improve website navigation  

Ensure your website is user-friendly with intuitive navigation. Use clear, consistent menus and logical categorization to help customers find information and complete tasks without frustration. Implement a powerful search function that delivers accurate results quickly. Conduct usability testing to identify and fix any navigation issues, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for users.

Offer multiple support channels  

Provide various support options, including phone, email, live chat, and social media. Multiple channels ensure customers can choose their preferred method of communication. Ensure each channel is well-staffed and capable of providing timely, effective assistance. By accommodating different preferences, you can reduce the effort customers need to expend to get help.

Train customer support teams  

Invest in training programs for your support staff. Skilled representatives can resolve issues more efficiently, reducing the effort required by customers. Focus on developing both technical knowledge and soft skills such as empathy and active listening. Regularly update training materials to reflect new products, services, and common issues, ensuring your team remains effective and knowledgeable.

Personalize customer interactions  

Use customer data to personalize interactions and anticipate needs. For example, tailor recommendations based on past purchases or browsing behavior. Personalized experiences make customers feel valued and reduce the effort needed to get what they want. Implement CRM systems to store and analyze customer data, enabling more targeted and effective communication.

Reduce hold times  

Minimize waiting times for customer service calls by optimizing staffing levels and using technology to route calls effectively. Implement call-back options to avoid long hold times and consider using AI-driven chatbots to handle routine inquiries. Quick responses enhance the customer experience by ensuring they receive help promptly.

Proactive communication  

Keep customers informed about the status of their queries or issues without them needing to follow up. Proactive updates, such as order confirmations and shipping notifications, reduce the effort customers spend seeking information. Use automated systems to send timely updates and ensure that all communication is clear and concise.

Gather and act on feedback  

Regularly collect customer feedback on their experiences and use this data to make continuous improvements. Conduct surveys, monitor social media, and analyze customer interactions to identify pain points. Addressing feedback directly shows customers that their input is valued and leads to a smoother experience. Implement changes based on feedback to continuously enhance the customer journey.

Optimize mobile experiences

Ensure your mobile app or website is optimized for ease of use. A seamless mobile experience is crucial as more customers engage through their smartphones. Design responsive interfaces, simplify navigation, and ensure fast load times. Regularly test your mobile platforms to identify and resolve usability issues, providing a consistent and efficient experience across all devices.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you calculate customer effort score?

Customer Effort Score calculation is done by asking customers to rate the effort required to interact with a company or use its product/service on a scale (e.g., 1 to 7). The average of these scores is then computed to determine the overall CES. A lower score indicates less effort and better customer experience.

What’s a good customer effort score?

A good Customer Effort Score (CES) typically falls between 1 and 3 on a 7-point scale, indicating that customers find it easy to interact with your business. Scores in this range suggest efficient processes and a positive customer experience.

How to increase customer effort score?

To increase your Customer Effort Score (CES), streamline processes, enhance customer service, simplify user interfaces, and provide clear, helpful information. Ensure quick resolution of issues and offer multiple support channels. Continuously gather feedback to identify and address pain points, making interactions as effortless as possible.

What is the difference between NPS and customer effort score?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty by asking how likely customers are to recommend a company, while Customer Effort Score (CES) gauges the ease of customer interactions. NPS focuses on customer satisfaction and advocacy, whereas CES highlights friction in customer experiences. Both metrics together provide a comprehensive view of customer relationships.


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Author Bio

Aishwarya tries to be a meticulous writer who dots her i’s and crosses her t’s. She brings the same diligence while curating the best restaurants in Bangalore. When she is not dreaming about her next scuba dive, she can be found evangelizing the Lord of the Rings to everyone in earshot.

Aishwarya N K

Senior Product Marketing Specialist


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