From Failure to Success: How Failure Testing Enhances UX

Failure testing increases your changes for a success when you finally launch your product. Here's all you need to know about it.


Aishwarya N K


October 23, 2023

Whether you're building a new app or designing a new website, you want to make sure that your product is user-friendly and intuitive. After all, if users can't figure out how to use your product, they're going to abandon it and go somewhere else.

That's where failure testing comes in.

Failure testing is a method of assessing and identifying issues or shortcomings in digital products, interfaces, or user interactions. The primary goal here is to uncover usability problems, design flaws, or performance issues that may negatively impact the user experience.

Why should you conduct failure testing?

Identifying usability issues

Failure testing helps uncover usability problems and pain points that users may encounter when interacting with a product or interface. By identifying these issues, designers and developers can address them to create a more user-friendly experience.

Read more: The Complete Guide to Conduct Usability Testing

Optimizing user satisfaction

By resolving usability problems and design flaws, you can improve the overall user experience. A seamless and intuitive user experience leads to greater user satisfaction, which is vital for retaining existing users and attracting new ones.

Enhancing product performance

Failure testing can reveal performance issues, such as slow load times, unresponsive features, or system crashes. Addressing these issues improves the performance and reliability of the product, reducing user frustration and abandonment.

Maximizing conversions

For websites and applications with specific conversion goals, such as e-commerce sites or signup forms, failure testing can help identify obstacles that prevent users from completing desired actions. By optimizing the user journey, you can increase conversion rates.

Read more: 5 E-commerce UX Best Practices for Guaranteed Conversions

Reducing support costs

Usability issues often lead to increased customer support inquiries or technical support costs. By addressing these problems, you can reduce the burden on your support team and improve user self-sufficiency.

Enhancing brand reputation

A positive user experience contributes to a positive brand reputation. Users are more likely to recommend and return to products or services that are easy to use and free of frustrating issues.

Iterative design improvement

Failure testing is not a one-time process. It supports an iterative design approach, allowing you to continuously refine and improve the product. This ongoing commitment to quality can lead to a competitive advantage and long-term success.

Risk mitigation

Identifying and addressing usability issues early in the development process mitigates the risk of costly post-launch fixes. It saves time and resources by avoiding major design overhauls after a product is already in use.

Enhanced decision-making

Failure testing provides objective data and insights into how users interact with a product. This valuable information informs data-driven decisions, helping teams prioritize improvements based on real user behavior.

Regulatory compliance

In certain industries, like healthcare or finance, failure testing is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and guidelines, which often require a focus on safety, accessibility, and security.

Different types of failure testing

Usability testing

Usability testing identifies usability issues and potential failures in a product's user experience. Test participants are observed as they interact with the product, and researchers look for issues like navigation difficulties, confusion, error rates, and user satisfaction.

A/B testing

A/B testing helps identify which design or content choices lead to better user outcomes. By comparing two or more versions, it helps reveal design failures or shortcomings that negatively impact user engagement or conversions.

Eye tracking

Eye tracking studies help identify issues related to visual attention and design effectiveness. It can uncover areas where users fail to notice critical information, which may indicate design or content failures.

Click tracking

Click tracking is used to identify where users are clicking on a web page. Unusual click patterns or low engagement in certain areas may indicate design or content failures.


Heatmaps visualize user interactions, highlighting areas of interest and abandonment. Cold spots on heatmaps can indicate potential design failures, such as areas where users lose interest.

Session recordings

Session recordings capture user interactions in real-time, making it easier to identify user struggles, confusion, or navigation failures within a product.

Tree testing

Tree testing helps identify information architecture and navigation failures. Users' inability to locate specific items may indicate problems with content organization or labeling.

Card sorting

Card sorting can reveal potential content organization and labeling failures. Users' difficulty in categorizing and grouping content may indicate issues with information architecture.

First click testing

First-click testing helps identify whether users can find what they need from the first click, indicating potential navigation or labeling failures.

Preference testing

Preference testing identifies design failures by gathering user preferences and opinions. If users consistently prefer one design variation over another, it may indicate design shortcomings.

What are some of the challenges of failure testing?

Complexity of real-world scenarios

Simulating real-world scenarios that users encounter can be challenging. Users interact with products under diverse conditions, and it's difficult to replicate all those conditions accurately in a testing environment.

Cost and resources

Failure testing can be resource-intensive, requiring various tools, equipment, and personnel. Conducting extensive testing can be costly, particularly for startups or small businesses.

Defining failure

Determining what constitutes a failure is not always straightforward. It depends on the context and goals of the testing. Some failures may be subjective and require careful evaluation.

User diversity

Users have diverse needs, expectations, and behaviors. What may be considered a failure for one user might not be the same for another. Understanding this diversity can be challenging.

Bias and assumptions

Testers and designers might unintentionally introduce bias or assumptions into the testing process. It's essential to approach testing with a neutral perspective to avoid missing potential issues.

Read more: Types of Cognitive Biases to Avoid in User Research

Limited sample size

Testing with a limited number of users may not uncover all potential failures. Large-scale testing is ideal, but it's often impractical.

Overemphasis on failure

While identifying failures is essential, it's also crucial not to become overly focused on them. Some level of failure is expected in user interactions, and not all failures are equally significant.

User behavior changes

Knowing that they are being tested can sometimes alter users' behavior, leading to different results than in real-world scenarios. This is known as the Hawthorne effect.

Interconnected systems

In modern applications, different components and third-party services often interact. Identifying the source of a failure in such a complex environment can be challenging.

Continuous updates

As products evolve, what may have been a failure in one version may not be in the next. Continuous testing and adaptation are required.


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Author Bio

Aishwarya tries to be a meticulous writer who dots her i’s and crosses her t’s. She brings the same diligence while curating the best restaurants in Bangalore. When she is not dreaming about her next scuba dive, she can be found evangelizing the Lord of the Rings to everyone in earshot.

Aishwarya N K

Senior Product Marketing Specialist


What is a usability testing template?
Why use a usability testing template?
What should be included in a usability testing template?
Who typically uses a usability testing template?
Are there any tips for using a usability testing template?
How do I use a usability testing template?

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