How to stay ahead of purchase intent

Discover how consumer behavior has transformed due to digital technology and sustainability trends, influencing purchase intent. Learn about increased research, personalization, and preference for sustainable brands.


Shireen Noushad


May 19, 2023

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What is Purchase Intent?  

Purchase intent refers to a consumer's inclination or willingness to make a purchase. It indicates the likelihood of a consumer taking a specific action to buy a product or service. Purchase intent is a key metric used in marketing and sales to understand customer behavior and predict future purchasing decisions.

Within the marketing and sales funnel, purchase intent can be classified into different levels:


At this stage, consumers may have minimal or no purchase intent. They are becoming aware of a brand, product, or service, but they haven't yet expressed interest in making a purchase. The focus is on capturing their attention and generating initial interest.


In this stage, consumers start showing some level of purchase intent. They have developed an interest in the product or service and are actively seeking more information. They may be conducting research, comparing options, and evaluating their needs and preferences.


At this stage, consumers have a higher level of purchase intent. They are seriously considering the product or service as a potential solution to their needs. They may be comparing prices, features, and reviews, and weighing the pros and cons of different options.


This level of purchase intent indicates a strong inclination to make a purchase. Consumers at this stage have made a decision to buy and are actively planning to complete the transaction. They may be finalizing the details, such as selecting the right variant, size, or package.


This is the final stage of the marketing and sales funnel, where consumers convert their purchase intent into an actual purchase. They take the desired action, such as adding the product to their cart, completing the checkout process, or making a purchase in-store.


Have a look: Analyzing Consumer Behavior in the Age of Automation

Measuring Purchase Intent

Brands and organizations employ various methods, including quantitative and qualitative consumer research, to measure purchase intent, aiming to gauge consumers' likelihood of making a purchase. Here are some common approaches used to measure purchase intent:

Quantitative Research

Surveys and Questionnaires

Brands often conduct quantitative surveys and questionnaires to directly ask consumers about their purchase intentions. These surveys may include questions about the likelihood of purchasing a product, the timing of the purchase, and the factors influencing their decision. The responses from a large sample of respondents are analyzed statistically to quantify and measure purchase intent across different segments.

Online Analytics

Brands leverage web analytics tools to track consumer behavior on their websites and online platforms. By monitoring metrics such as click-through rates, time spent on product pages, and abandoned carts, organizations can infer purchase intent based on consumer engagement and actions. Quantitative data from online analytics provides valuable insights into consumer behavior and purchase intent.

Qualitative Research

Focus Groups and In-depth Interviews

Qualitative consumer research methods like focus groups and in-depth interviews provide insights into the underlying motivations, emotions, and context behind purchase intent. Focus groups involve small group discussions facilitated by a moderator, while in-depth interviews are one-on-one conversations. These methods allow participants to express their thoughts, emotions, and reasoning behind their purchase decisions, providing rich qualitative data on purchase intent.

Have a look: Smart Insights from Qualitative Research with Generative AI Solutions

Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic studies involve observing and immersing researchers in the consumers' natural environments. This qualitative approach helps uncover unconscious behaviors, habits, and contextual factors that influence purchase intent. By studying consumers in real-life settings, organizations can gain valuable insights into their decision-making process.

By combining quantitative and qualitative consumer research methods, brands and organizations can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of purchase intent. Quantitative research provides statistical measures and numerical data to quantify purchase intent across a large sample, while qualitative research offers in-depth insights into the underlying motivations, emotions, and context behind purchase intent. This mixed-methods approach allows brands to gather holistic insights and make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding of their target audience's purchase intent.


Changing Consumer Behavior

Over the years, consumer behavior has undergone significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and evolving societal trends. Two key factors that have shaped consumer behaviorand therefore, purchase intent - are the rise of digital technology and the growing emphasis on sustainability.

Digital Transformation

The advent of the internet and mobile devices has revolutionized the way consumers interact with businesses and make purchase decisions. Consumers now have access to vast amounts of information, product reviews, and price comparisons at their fingertips. This has empowered them to be more informed and discerning, seeking personalized experiences and convenience. Online shopping has become increasingly popular, with e-commerce platforms offering a wide range of products and services, enabling consumers to shop anytime and anywhere. Moreover, social media has amplified the influence of peer recommendations and user-generated content, impacting consumer choices.

Sustainability and Ethical Concerns

Today's consumers are more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases. They seek out sustainable, eco-friendly, and ethically produced products. Consumers are increasingly concerned about issues such as climate change, fair labor practices, and animal welfare. This shift in values has led to the rise of sustainable and ethical brands that align with consumer preferences. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for products that reflect their values and contribute to a better world.

Impact on Purchase Intent

These changes in consumer behavior have had a profound impact on purchase intent:

Increased Research and Comparison

With easy access to information, consumers now conduct thorough research before making purchase decisions. They compare prices, read reviews, and seek recommendations. As a result, purchase intent is influenced by factors such as online reviews, ratings, and the overall reputation of a brand or product.

Demand for Personalization

Consumers now expect personalized experiences tailored to their preferences. This has led to an increased focus on customization and individualized marketing approaches. Brands that understand and cater to the specific needs and desires of their target audience are more likely to attract and retain customers.

Preference for Sustainable and Ethical Brands

The emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices has significantly impacted purchase intent. Consumers are more likely to support brands that align with their values, leading to increased demand for environmentally friendly and socially responsible products. Businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability are likely to gain a competitive edge and win over conscious consumers.

Also read: Making Sense of Consumer Research Data with Smart Analytics


Keeping Up with Purchase Intent  

To keep up with evolving purchase intent and changing consumer behavior, brands can leverage automation, establish a single source of truth, and utilize AI-driven solutions. These approaches help businesses gather and analyze data, enhance customer experiences, and make informed decisions to stay relevant in the market.


By automating various aspects of customer engagement and data collection, brands can efficiently gather valuable insights and respond to changing consumer behavior in real time. Automation tools can assist in tasks such as social media monitoring, customer service, and personalized marketing campaigns. This allows brands to track and analyze customer interactions, preferences, and purchase patterns, enabling them to tailor their strategies accordingly.

Single Source of Truth

Establishing a single source of truth, often through a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system, helps brands consolidate and manage customer data effectively. This centralized repository ensures that all relevant information, including purchase history, preferences, and interactions, is accessible to all teams within the organization. Having a comprehensive view of the customer enables brands to understand their behavior, identify trends, and personalize their offerings.

AI-powered Solutions  

Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a crucial role in understanding and predicting evolving purchase intent. By leveraging AI algorithms, brands can analyze vast amounts of consumer data, uncover patterns, and generate actionable insights. AI-powered solutions can facilitate personalized recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and dynamic pricing strategies. Machine learning algorithms can continuously learn from consumer behavior, enabling brands to adapt their offerings and strategies accordingly.

Also read: Increase retail sales with AI-led automated shopper research


Automated consumer research platform

An automated consumer research platform can be a valuable tool for brands to keep up with evolving purchase intent and make agile marketing and creative decisions. Such a platform offers several benefits in terms of gathering real-time consumer insights, enabling data-driven decision-making, and enhancing overall brand strategy.

Real-Time Consumer Insights  

An automated consumer research platform provides brands with access to real-time data and consumer insights related to purchase intent. Through various data collection methods such as online surveys, social media monitoring, and sentiment analysis, brands can gather up-to-date information about consumer preferences, behaviors, and their intent to purchase. This timely and relevant data helps brands understand the changing dynamics of their target audience's purchase intent and make informed decisions accordingly.

Data-Driven Marketing Decisions  

With an automated consumer research platform, brands can leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and purchase intent. The platform can analyze vast amounts of data, uncover patterns, and identify trends specific to purchase intent, allowing brands to make data-driven marketing decisions. This includes developing targeted marketing campaigns, optimizing advertising strategies, and tailoring messaging to resonate with consumers' purchase intent. By aligning marketing efforts with the specific purchase intent of their target audience, brands can increase the effectiveness of their campaigns and drive better results.

Agile Creative Decisions  

An automated consumer research platform also aids brands in making agile creative decisions that align with purchase intent. By collecting consumer feedback on creative elements such as ad concepts, product designs, and packaging, brands can iterate and refine their creative assets based on real-time insights related to purchase intent. This iterative approach ensures that creative decisions are aligned with consumer preferences and their specific purchase intent, leading to more impactful and resonant marketing communications. The platform can also facilitate A/B testing of different creative variations, allowing brands to assess consumer response and optimize their creative strategies based on purchase intent.

Also read: Fix The 5 Biggest Shopper Research Mistakes You’re Making

Eliminating Bias in Purchase Intent Insights

An automated consumer research platform helps in reducing bias by leveraging standardized data collection methods and eliminating human subjectivity when capturing insights on purchase intent. By using predefined survey questions and structured data analysis techniques, the platform ensures that the data collected is consistent and objective, minimizing biases in understanding purchase intent. Additionally, automation minimizes human involvement in the analysis process, reducing the likelihood of unconscious biases impacting the results related to purchase intent. The platform's focus on data-driven insights promotes a more objective understanding of consumer behavior and purchase intent, enabling brands to make informed decisions aligned with purchase intent while reducing bias.

Entropik’s Solution to Changing Purchase Intent  

At Entropik, we have a DIY automated consumer research platform offers several features that help brands keep up with changing purchase intent.  

4x Faster Insights

By leveraging automation and advanced data analytics. Brands can swiftly gather real-time consumer insights related to purchase intent, enabling them to make agile marketing decisions and stay ahead of evolving trends.

Facial Coding

The platform utilizes facial coding technology to analyze facial expressions and emotions of consumers. By capturing micro-expressions, it can assess the emotional response of individuals towards products, ads, or experiences. This helps brands understand the emotional drivers behind purchase intent and optimize their offerings accordingly.


Entropik's platform incorporates eye-tracking capabilities to monitor visual attention. By tracking where consumers look and how their gaze moves, brands gain valuable insights into what aspects of a product or advertisement capture their attention. This information guides design and messaging decisions, ensuring they align with consumer preferences and influence purchase intent.

Sentiment Analysis

The platform employs sentiment analysis techniques to evaluate consumer feedback and social media conversations. By analyzing language patterns, sentiment, and contextual cues, brands can understand consumer sentiment related to purchase intent. This helps them gauge consumer attitudes, identify emerging trends, and adjust their strategies to meet evolving preferences.

Through these features, Entropik's DIY automated consumer research platform enables brands to stay attuned to changing purchase intent. It offers fast and comprehensive insights, leveraging facial coding, eye-tracking, and sentiment analysis to provide a holistic understanding of consumer behavior. By leveraging these capabilities, brands can make data-driven decisions, optimize their marketing efforts, and enhance their offerings to better align with evolving purchase intent.


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Want to conduct lean and unbiased research? Try out Entropik's tech behavioral research platform today!
Want to conduct lean and unbiased research? Try out Entropik's tech behavioral research platform today!
Want to conduct lean and unbiased research? Try out Entropik's tech behavioral research platform today!
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Author Bio

Shireen adores writing and currently, she’s all about making B2B content fun, engaging, and 100% non-boring. She's intrigued by the scope of AI(not scared, yet), and how it helps advance operations on all fronts across industries. On a typical day, she scours the internet for anything and everything AI-related, and goes on a loop of writing and re-writing cause it’s just not perfect.

Shireen Noushad

Product Marketing Specialist


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