Top 4 Priorities Every CPO Should Be Focusing on Now

To succeed in these uncertain times, CPOs of fast-growing companies should focus on four areas in particular: Adoption of emerging technologies.


Reshu Rathi


April 11, 2023

In today's fast-paced business landscape, Chief Product Officers (CPOs) play a critical role in the success of businesses. They balance business and customer needs by ensuring that products meet the company's and customers’ needs, deliver a perfect user experience, are developed efficiently, and remain competitive.

But creating a successful product or delivering a perfect user experience can be challenging. There's a lot to do, and you must prioritize what you should tackle first. How?


As a platform that helps product teams conduct deep user research to build better products and deliver superior product experiences, we've spoken with hundreds of product leaders over the past few years. And we discovered that understanding users' needs is the only legit cheat code for product leaders to create and launch successful products.


In this article, we'll share those insights and experiences with you. So, let's dive in and discover how focusing on users' needs helps product leaders create effective products, drive growth, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Also, we will be sharing a few priorities every CPO needs to focus on to offer the best user experiences in the most effective way.

1. Enrichment of User Understanding

A deep understanding of your target audience is essential to creating a successful product. As a product head, you must make user research and feedback gathering a priority for your team, as it can help you make informed product development and innovation decisions. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Identifying user needs: Understanding user needs is a key aspect of product development. By enriching your understanding of users, you can identify gaps in the market and develop products that better meet users' needs. This can lead to higher user satisfaction and increased revenue.

  • Developing user-centric products: Enriching user understanding allows you to develop truly customer-centric products. By designing products that meet specific user needs and preferences, you can create a competitive advantage for their business.

  • Improving user experience: Did you know that 54% of U.S. consumers feel brands fail to meet their experience standards – UX research plays a crucial role in delivering a great user experience. CPOs can use user insights to improve the UX of their products. By understanding how users interact with your products, you can improve the overall user experience, increasing user loyalty and repeat business.

  • Infuse AI into the user research: Any designer will tell you that the product experience is only as good as the research that supports it. So, you must ensure your respondents are giving you unbiased information. Otherwise, you might steer your product down a cliff. And that's where AI-powered research tools can lend you a hand, as they don't rely on stated responses. This leads to more nuanced findings and impactful product insights that get you closer to the goal of building products everyone loves to use.

  • Reducing risk: By understanding user needs and preferences, you can reduce the risk of launching products that fail to meet users' expectations. This can help you avoid costly product failures and ensure your products succeed in the market.

In short, user research is like a compass that guides a ship's captain toward their destination. By collecting and analyzing user data, CPOs can better understand their users' needs and steer their product development in the right direction. Just as a captain must trust their compass to navigate rough waters, CPOs must use deep user research to guide their product development efforts.

2. Embracing Agile Methodology

The last few years have shown us that the only constant is - Change. As we navigate a business climate that's frequently evolving, how do you, as a product leader, help your business to survive and thrive?  


Well, you have to be nimble and agile to anticipate and react to user-changing needs, and the shifting market and agile methodology can help with that.


Agile methodology allows for a more flexible and iterative approach to product development, enabling CPOs to respond quickly to changing market conditions and user needs.  


By prioritizing agile testing and continuous product discovery, you can accelerate time-to-market and deliver products that better meet user needs. And can reduce the risk of developing products that don't resonate with users or have significant issues.

3. Adoption of Emerging Technologies

CPOs should prioritize the exploration and adoption of new tools and technologies to stay ahead of the competition and meet changing user needs. According to a survey by Salesforce, 75% of consumers expect companies to use new technologies to create better experiences for them.

This includes exploring new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as integrating existing technologies into product development.  

By embracing emerging technologies, CPOs can create innovative products that differentiate the company from its competitors and provide new value to users.

4. Proving Product Investment

In times of economic uncertainty and recession, many companies resort to cutting costs wherever possible. Unfortunately, product development and innovation are often seen as easy targets for budget reductions. Additionally, pressure from the C-suite to deliver quick wins can lead companies to focus on short-term gains at the expense of long-term product strategy.

As a Chief Product Officer, it's your responsibility to defend your budget and ensure that your team has the resources they need to create successful products. To do so, you must be proactive in contributing to the overall business strategy and collaborating with other C-level executives to set company objectives.

Here are three key areas where you can make an impact:

  • Product experimentation: To stay ahead of the competition, your team must constantly test and iterate on product ideas. This requires a commitment to pilot projects and a willingness to learn from failures. As a Chief Product Officer, you can lead the charge by creating a culture of experimentation and ensuring that your team has the resources they need to test and learn.

  • Foster cross-functional collaboration: As a product leader, you should prioritize cross-functional collaboration to ensure that product strategy is aligned with your business's overall strategy and goals. You can do this by working closely with product managers, engineers, designers, and marketers to ensure that every team is on the same page and working towards the same goals. You can improve communication and create better products that meet user needs by fostering cross-functional collaboration.

  • Reporting metrics: Finally, linking these metrics with your product success initiatives is important. For example, if you are investing in improving product user experience (UX), you should link it to return on investment (ROI). By providing business leaders with the value of investing in the right metrics, you can help them make informed strategic decisions.

Are You Prioritizing What's Important?

The role of a CPO is rapidly evolving as businesses increasingly recognize the importance of product innovation in driving growth. Today's CPOs are expected to play a more significant role by proactively contributing to business strategy. By investing in deep user research, embracing agile development, and tracking the right metrics, you can ensure that your team has the resources to create successful products that drive business growth.


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Author Bio

Reshu Rathi is an online marketing and conversion rate enthusiast. She specializes in content marketing, lead generation, and engagement strategy. Her byline can be found all over the web

Reshu Rathi

Product Marketing Specialist


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